Safe Haskell | None |
CoreSyn holds all the main data types for use by for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler midsection
- data Expr b
- type Alt b = (AltCon, [b], Expr b)
- data Bind b
- data AltCon
- type Arg b = Expr b
- data Tickish id
- = ProfNote {
- profNoteCC :: CostCentre
- profNoteCount :: !Bool
- profNoteScope :: !Bool
- | HpcTick {
- tickModule :: Module
- tickId :: !Int
- | Breakpoint {
- breakpointId :: !Int
- breakpointFVs :: [id]
- = ProfNote {
- type CoreProgram = [CoreBind]
- type CoreExpr = Expr CoreBndr
- type CoreAlt = Alt CoreBndr
- type CoreBind = Bind CoreBndr
- type CoreArg = Arg CoreBndr
- type CoreBndr = Var
- type TaggedExpr t = Expr (TaggedBndr t)
- type TaggedAlt t = Alt (TaggedBndr t)
- type TaggedBind t = Bind (TaggedBndr t)
- type TaggedArg t = Arg (TaggedBndr t)
- data TaggedBndr t = TB CoreBndr t
- mkLets :: [Bind b] -> Expr b -> Expr b
- mkLams :: [b] -> Expr b -> Expr b
- mkApps :: Expr b -> [Arg b] -> Expr b
- mkTyApps :: Expr b -> [Type] -> Expr b
- mkCoApps :: Expr b -> [Coercion] -> Expr b
- mkVarApps :: Expr b -> [Var] -> Expr b
- mkIntLit :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Expr b
- mkIntLitInt :: DynFlags -> Int -> Expr b
- mkWordLit :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Expr b
- mkWordLitWord :: DynFlags -> Word -> Expr b
- mkWord64LitWord64 :: Word64 -> Expr b
- mkInt64LitInt64 :: Int64 -> Expr b
- mkCharLit :: Char -> Expr b
- mkStringLit :: String -> Expr b
- mkFloatLit :: Rational -> Expr b
- mkFloatLitFloat :: Float -> Expr b
- mkDoubleLit :: Rational -> Expr b
- mkDoubleLitDouble :: Double -> Expr b
- mkConApp :: DataCon -> [Arg b] -> Expr b
- mkConApp2 :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [Var] -> Expr b
- mkTyBind :: TyVar -> Type -> CoreBind
- mkCoBind :: CoVar -> Coercion -> CoreBind
- varToCoreExpr :: CoreBndr -> Expr b
- varsToCoreExprs :: [CoreBndr] -> [Expr b]
- isId :: Var -> Bool
- cmpAltCon :: AltCon -> AltCon -> Ordering
- cmpAlt :: (AltCon, a, b) -> (AltCon, a, b) -> Ordering
- ltAlt :: (AltCon, a, b) -> (AltCon, a, b) -> Bool
- bindersOf :: Bind b -> [b]
- bindersOfBinds :: [Bind b] -> [b]
- rhssOfBind :: Bind b -> [Expr b]
- rhssOfAlts :: [Alt b] -> [Expr b]
- collectBinders :: Expr b -> ([b], Expr b)
- collectTyBinders :: CoreExpr -> ([TyVar], CoreExpr)
- collectValBinders :: CoreExpr -> ([Id], CoreExpr)
- collectTyAndValBinders :: CoreExpr -> ([TyVar], [Id], CoreExpr)
- collectArgs :: Expr b -> (Expr b, [Arg b])
- flattenBinds :: [Bind b] -> [(b, Expr b)]
- isValArg :: Expr b -> Bool
- isTypeArg :: Expr b -> Bool
- isTyCoArg :: Expr b -> Bool
- valArgCount :: [Arg b] -> Int
- valBndrCount :: [CoreBndr] -> Int
- isRuntimeArg :: CoreExpr -> Bool
- isRuntimeVar :: Var -> Bool
- tickishCounts :: Tickish id -> Bool
- tickishScoped :: Tickish id -> Bool
- tickishIsCode :: Tickish id -> Bool
- mkNoTick :: Tickish id -> Tickish id
- mkNoScope :: Tickish id -> Tickish id
- tickishCanSplit :: Tickish Id -> Bool
- data Unfolding
- = NoUnfolding
- | OtherCon [AltCon]
- | DFunUnfolding { }
- | CoreUnfolding { }
- data UnfoldingGuidance
- = UnfWhen {
- ug_unsat_ok :: Bool
- ug_boring_ok :: Bool
- | UnfIfGoodArgs { }
- | UnfNever
- = UnfWhen {
- data UnfoldingSource
- noUnfolding :: Unfolding
- evaldUnfolding :: Unfolding
- mkOtherCon :: [AltCon] -> Unfolding
- unSaturatedOk :: Bool
- needSaturated :: Bool
- boringCxtOk :: Bool
- boringCxtNotOk :: Bool
- unfoldingTemplate :: Unfolding -> CoreExpr
- setUnfoldingTemplate :: Unfolding -> CoreExpr -> Unfolding
- expandUnfolding_maybe :: Unfolding -> Maybe CoreExpr
- maybeUnfoldingTemplate :: Unfolding -> Maybe CoreExpr
- otherCons :: Unfolding -> [AltCon]
- unfoldingArity :: Unfolding -> Arity
- isValueUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
- isEvaldUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
- isCheapUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
- isExpandableUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
- isConLikeUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
- isCompulsoryUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
- isStableUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
- isStableCoreUnfolding_maybe :: Unfolding -> Maybe UnfoldingSource
- isClosedUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
- hasSomeUnfolding :: Unfolding -> Bool
- canUnfold :: Unfolding -> Bool
- neverUnfoldGuidance :: UnfoldingGuidance -> Bool
- isStableSource :: UnfoldingSource -> Bool
- seqExpr :: CoreExpr -> ()
- seqExprs :: [CoreExpr] -> ()
- seqUnfolding :: Unfolding -> ()
- type AnnExpr bndr annot = (annot, AnnExpr' bndr annot)
- data AnnExpr' bndr annot
- = AnnVar Id
- | AnnLit Literal
- | AnnLam bndr (AnnExpr bndr annot)
- | AnnApp (AnnExpr bndr annot) (AnnExpr bndr annot)
- | AnnCase (AnnExpr bndr annot) bndr Type [AnnAlt bndr annot]
- | AnnLet (AnnBind bndr annot) (AnnExpr bndr annot)
- | AnnCast (AnnExpr bndr annot) (annot, Coercion)
- | AnnTick (Tickish Id) (AnnExpr bndr annot)
- | AnnType Type
- | AnnCoercion Coercion
- data AnnBind bndr annot
- type AnnAlt bndr annot = (AltCon, [bndr], AnnExpr bndr annot)
- collectAnnArgs :: AnnExpr b a -> (AnnExpr b a, [AnnExpr b a])
- deAnnotate :: AnnExpr bndr annot -> Expr bndr
- deAnnotate' :: AnnExpr' bndr annot -> Expr bndr
- deAnnAlt :: AnnAlt bndr annot -> Alt bndr
- collectAnnBndrs :: AnnExpr bndr annot -> ([bndr], AnnExpr bndr annot)
- data CoreRule
- type RuleName = FastString
- type RuleFun = DynFlags -> InScopeEnv -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> Maybe CoreExpr
- type IdUnfoldingFun = Id -> Unfolding
- type InScopeEnv = (InScopeSet, IdUnfoldingFun)
- seqRules :: [CoreRule] -> ()
- ruleArity :: CoreRule -> Int
- ruleName :: CoreRule -> RuleName
- ruleIdName :: CoreRule -> Name
- ruleActivation :: CoreRule -> Activation
- setRuleIdName :: Name -> CoreRule -> CoreRule
- isBuiltinRule :: CoreRule -> Bool
- isLocalRule :: CoreRule -> Bool
- data CoreVect
Main data types
This is the data type that represents GHCs core intermediate language. Currently GHC uses System FC for this purpose, which is closely related to the simpler and better known System F
We get from Haskell source to this Core language in a number of stages:
- The source code is parsed into an abstract syntax tree, which is represented
by the data type
with the names beingRdrNames
- This syntax tree is renamed, which attaches a
to everyRdrName
(yielding aName
) to disambiguate identifiers which are lexically identical. For example, this program:
f x = let f x = x + 1 in f (x - 2)
Would be renamed by having Unique
s attached so it looked something like this:
f_1 x_2 = let f_3 x_4 = x_4 + 1
in f_3 (x_2 - 2)
But see Note [Shadowing] below.
- The resulting syntax tree undergoes type checking (which also deals with instantiating
type class arguments) to yield a
type that hasId
as it's names. - Finally the syntax tree is desugared from the expressive
type into thisExpr
type, which has far fewer constructors and hence is easier to perform optimization, analysis and code generation on.
The type parameter b
is for the type of binders in the expression tree.
The language consists of the following elements:
- Variables
- Primitive literals
- Applications: note that the argument may be a
See CoreSyn for another invariant
- Lambda abstraction
- Recursive and non recursive
s. Operationally this corresponds to allocating a thunk for the things bound and then executing the sub-expression.
The right hand sides of all top-level and recursive let
must be of lifted type (see Type for
the meaning of lifted vs. unlifted).
The right hand side of of a non-recursive Let
_and_ the argument of an App
may be of unlifted type, but only if the expression
is ok-for-speculation. This means that the let can be floated
around without difficulty. For example, this is OK:
y::Int# = x +# 1#
But this is not, as it may affect termination if the expression is floated out:
y::Int# = fac 4#
In this situation you should use case
rather than a let
. The function
can help you determine which to generate, or
alternatively use mkCoreLet
rather than this constructor directly,
which will generate a case
if necessary
We allow a non-recursive let to bind a type variable, thus:
Let (NonRec tv (Type ty)) body
This can be very convenient for postponing type substitutions until the next run of the simplifier.
At the moment, the rest of the compiler only deals with type-let in a Let expression, rather than at top level. We may want to revist this choice.
- Case split. Operationally this corresponds to evaluating the scrutinee (expression examined) to weak head normal form and then examining at most one level of resulting constructor (i.e. you cannot do nested pattern matching directly with this).
The binder gets bound to the value of the scrutinee,
and the Type
must be that of all the case alternatives
This is one of the more complicated elements of the Core language, and comes with a number of restrictions:
- The list of alternatives may be empty; See Note [Empty case alternatives]
- The
case alternative must be first in the list, if it occurs at all. - The remaining cases are in order of increasing
tag (for
) or lit (forLitAlts
). This makes finding the relevant constructor easy, and makes comparison easier too. - The list of alternatives must be exhaustive. An exhaustive case does not necessarily mention all constructors:
data Foo = Red | Green | Blue ... case x of Red -> True other -> f (case x of Green -> ... Blue -> ... ) ...
The inner case does not need a Red
alternative, because x
can't be Red
at that program point.
- Cast an expression to a particular type.
This is used to implement
s (anewtype
constructor or destructor just becomes aCast
in Core) and GADTs. - Notes. These allow general information to be added to expressions in the syntax tree
- A type: this should only show up at the top level of an Arg
- A coercion
Var Id | |
Lit Literal | |
App (Expr b) (Arg b) | |
Lam b (Expr b) | |
Let (Bind b) (Expr b) | |
Case (Expr b) b Type [Alt b] | |
Cast (Expr b) Coercion | |
Tick (Tickish Id) (Expr b) | |
Type Type | |
Coercion Coercion |
Data b => Data (Expr b) | |
OutputableBndr b => Outputable (Expr b) | |
Typeable (* -> *) Expr |
type Alt b = (AltCon, [b], Expr b)Source
A case split alternative. Consists of the constructor leading to the alternative,
the variables bound from the constructor, and the expression to be executed given that binding.
The default alternative is (DEFAULT, [], rhs)
Binding, used for top level bindings in a module and local bindings in a let
Data b => Data (Bind b) | |
OutputableBndr b => Outputable (Bind b) | |
Typeable (* -> *) Bind |
A case alternative constructor (i.e. pattern match)
Allows attaching extra information to points in expressions
ProfNote | An |
| |
HpcTick | A tick used by HPC to track the execution of each subexpression in the original source code. |
| |
Breakpoint | A breakpoint for the GHCi debugger. This behaves like an HPC tick, but has a list of free variables which will be available for inspection in GHCi when the program stops at the breakpoint. NB. we must take account of these Ids when (a) counting free variables, and (b) substituting (don't substitute for them) |
type CoreProgram = [CoreBind]Source
The common case for the type of binders and variables when we are manipulating the Core language within GHC
type TaggedExpr t = Expr (TaggedBndr t)Source
type TaggedAlt t = Alt (TaggedBndr t)Source
type TaggedBind t = Bind (TaggedBndr t)Source
type TaggedArg t = Arg (TaggedBndr t)Source
data TaggedBndr t Source
Binders are tagged with a t
Outputable b => OutputableBndr (TaggedBndr b) | |
Outputable b => Outputable (TaggedBndr b) |
mkLets :: [Bind b] -> Expr b -> Expr bSource
Bind all supplied binding groups over an expression in a nested let expression. Prefer to
use mkCoreLets
if possible
mkLams :: [b] -> Expr b -> Expr bSource
Bind all supplied binders over an expression in a nested lambda expression. Prefer to
use mkCoreLams
if possible
mkApps :: Expr b -> [Arg b] -> Expr bSource
Apply a list of argument expressions to a function expression in a nested fashion. Prefer to
use mkCoreApps
if possible
mkTyApps :: Expr b -> [Type] -> Expr bSource
Apply a list of type argument expressions to a function expression in a nested fashion
mkCoApps :: Expr b -> [Coercion] -> Expr bSource
Apply a list of coercion argument expressions to a function expression in a nested fashion
mkVarApps :: Expr b -> [Var] -> Expr bSource
Apply a list of type or value variables to a function expression in a nested fashion
mkIntLit :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Expr bSource
Create a machine integer literal expression of type Int#
from an Integer
If you want an expression of type Int
use mkIntExpr
mkIntLitInt :: DynFlags -> Int -> Expr bSource
Create a machine integer literal expression of type Int#
from an Int
If you want an expression of type Int
use mkIntExpr
mkWordLit :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Expr bSource
Create a machine word literal expression of type Word#
from an Integer
If you want an expression of type Word
use mkWordExpr
mkWordLitWord :: DynFlags -> Word -> Expr bSource
Create a machine word literal expression of type Word#
from a Word
If you want an expression of type Word
use mkWordExpr
mkWord64LitWord64 :: Word64 -> Expr bSource
mkInt64LitInt64 :: Int64 -> Expr bSource
mkCharLit :: Char -> Expr bSource
Create a machine character literal expression of type Char#
If you want an expression of type Char
use mkCharExpr
mkStringLit :: String -> Expr bSource
Create a machine string literal expression of type Addr#
If you want an expression of type String
use mkStringExpr
mkFloatLit :: Rational -> Expr bSource
Create a machine single precision literal expression of type Float#
from a Rational
If you want an expression of type Float
use mkFloatExpr
mkFloatLitFloat :: Float -> Expr bSource
Create a machine single precision literal expression of type Float#
from a Float
If you want an expression of type Float
use mkFloatExpr
mkDoubleLit :: Rational -> Expr bSource
Create a machine double precision literal expression of type Double#
from a Rational
If you want an expression of type Double
use mkDoubleExpr
mkDoubleLitDouble :: Double -> Expr bSource
Create a machine double precision literal expression of type Double#
from a Double
If you want an expression of type Double
use mkDoubleExpr
mkConApp :: DataCon -> [Arg b] -> Expr bSource
Apply a list of argument expressions to a data constructor in a nested fashion. Prefer to
use mkCoreConApps
if possible
mkTyBind :: TyVar -> Type -> CoreBindSource
Create a binding group where a type variable is bound to a type. Per CoreSyn,
this can only be used to bind something in a non-recursive let
mkCoBind :: CoVar -> Coercion -> CoreBindSource
Create a binding group where a type variable is bound to a type. Per CoreSyn,
this can only be used to bind something in a non-recursive let
varToCoreExpr :: CoreBndr -> Expr bSource
varsToCoreExprs :: [CoreBndr] -> [Expr b]Source
cmpAltCon :: AltCon -> AltCon -> OrderingSource
Compares AltCon
s within a single list of alternatives
Simple Expr
access functions and predicates
bindersOfBinds :: [Bind b] -> [b]Source
applied to a list of binding groups
rhssOfBind :: Bind b -> [Expr b]Source
rhssOfAlts :: [Alt b] -> [Expr b]Source
collectBinders :: Expr b -> ([b], Expr b)Source
We often want to strip off leading lambdas before getting down to business. This function is your friend.
collectTyBinders :: CoreExpr -> ([TyVar], CoreExpr)Source
Collect as many type bindings as possible from the front of a nested lambda
collectValBinders :: CoreExpr -> ([Id], CoreExpr)Source
Collect as many value bindings as possible from the front of a nested lambda
collectTyAndValBinders :: CoreExpr -> ([TyVar], [Id], CoreExpr)Source
Collect type binders from the front of the lambda first, then follow up by collecting as many value bindings as possible from the resulting stripped expression
collectArgs :: Expr b -> (Expr b, [Arg b])Source
Takes a nested application expression and returns the the function being applied and the arguments to which it is applied
flattenBinds :: [Bind b] -> [(b, Expr b)]Source
Collapse all the bindings in the supplied groups into a single
list of lhs/rhs pairs suitable for binding in a Rec
binding group
isValArg :: Expr b -> BoolSource
Returns True
for value arguments, false for type args
NB: coercions are value arguments (zero width, to be sure,
like State#, but still value args).
valArgCount :: [Arg b] -> IntSource
The number of argument expressions that are values rather than types at their top level
valBndrCount :: [CoreBndr] -> IntSource
The number of binders that bind values rather than types
isRuntimeArg :: CoreExpr -> BoolSource
Will this argument expression exist at runtime?
isRuntimeVar :: Var -> BoolSource
Will this variable exist at runtime?
tickishCounts :: Tickish id -> BoolSource
A tick note is one that counts evaluations in some way. We cannot discard a tick, and the compiler should preserve the number of ticks as far as possible.
However, we still allow the simplifier to increase or decrease sharing, so in practice the actual number of ticks may vary, except that we never change the value from zero to non-zero or vice versa.
tickishScoped :: Tickish id -> BoolSource
tickishIsCode :: Tickish id -> BoolSource
Return True if this source annotation compiles to some code, or will disappear before the backend.
tickishCanSplit :: Tickish Id -> BoolSource
Unfolding data types
Records the unfolding of an identifier, which is approximately the form the identifier would have if we substituted its definition in for the identifier. This type should be treated as abstract everywhere except in CoreUnfold
NoUnfolding | We have no information about the unfolding |
OtherCon [AltCon] | It ain't one of these constructors.
data C = C !(Int -> Int) case x of { C f -> ... } Here, |
DFunUnfolding | |
CoreUnfolding | An unfolding with redundant cached information. Parameters: uf_tmpl: Template used to perform unfolding; NB: Occurrence info is guaranteed correct: see Note [OccInfo in unfoldings and rules] uf_is_top: Is this a top level binding? uf_is_value: uf_is_work_free: Does this waste only a little work if we expand it inside an inlining?
Basically this is a cached version of uf_guidance: Tells us about the size of the unfolding template |
data UnfoldingGuidance Source
says when unfolding should take place
UnfWhen | |
| |
UnfIfGoodArgs | |
UnfNever |
data UnfoldingSource Source
InlineRhs | |
InlineStable | |
InlineCompulsory | |
InlineWrapper Id |
Constructing Unfolding
noUnfolding :: UnfoldingSource
There is no known Unfolding
evaldUnfolding :: UnfoldingSource
This unfolding marks the associated thing as being evaluated
mkOtherCon :: [AltCon] -> UnfoldingSource
Predicates and deconstruction on Unfolding
unfoldingTemplate :: Unfolding -> CoreExprSource
Retrieves the template of an unfolding: panics if none is known
maybeUnfoldingTemplate :: Unfolding -> Maybe CoreExprSource
Retrieves the template of an unfolding if possible
otherCons :: Unfolding -> [AltCon]Source
The constructors that the unfolding could never be:
returns []
if no information is available
isValueUnfolding :: Unfolding -> BoolSource
Determines if it is certainly the case that the unfolding will
yield a value (something in HNF): returns False
if unsure
isEvaldUnfolding :: Unfolding -> BoolSource
Determines if it possibly the case that the unfolding will
yield a value. Unlike isValueUnfolding
it returns True
for OtherCon
isCheapUnfolding :: Unfolding -> BoolSource
Is the thing we will unfold into certainly cheap?
isConLikeUnfolding :: Unfolding -> BoolSource
if the unfolding is a constructor application, the application
of a CONLIKE function or OtherCon
hasSomeUnfolding :: Unfolding -> BoolSource
Only returns False if there is no unfolding information available at all
seqUnfolding :: Unfolding -> ()Source
Annotated expression data types
type AnnExpr bndr annot = (annot, AnnExpr' bndr annot)Source
Annotated core: allows annotation at every node in the tree
data AnnExpr' bndr annot Source
A clone of the Expr
type but allowing annotation at every tree node
AnnVar Id | |
AnnLit Literal | |
AnnLam bndr (AnnExpr bndr annot) | |
AnnApp (AnnExpr bndr annot) (AnnExpr bndr annot) | |
AnnCase (AnnExpr bndr annot) bndr Type [AnnAlt bndr annot] | |
AnnLet (AnnBind bndr annot) (AnnExpr bndr annot) | |
AnnCast (AnnExpr bndr annot) (annot, Coercion) | |
AnnTick (Tickish Id) (AnnExpr bndr annot) | |
AnnType Type | |
AnnCoercion Coercion |
type AnnAlt bndr annot = (AltCon, [bndr], AnnExpr bndr annot)Source
A clone of the Alt
type but allowing annotation at every tree node
Operations on annotated expressions
collectAnnArgs :: AnnExpr b a -> (AnnExpr b a, [AnnExpr b a])Source
Takes a nested application expression and returns the the function being applied and the arguments to which it is applied
Operations on annotations
deAnnotate :: AnnExpr bndr annot -> Expr bndrSource
deAnnotate' :: AnnExpr' bndr annot -> Expr bndrSource
collectAnnBndrs :: AnnExpr bndr annot -> ([bndr], AnnExpr bndr annot)Source
As collectBinders
but for AnnExpr
rather than Expr
Core rule data types
A CoreRule
- "Local" if the function it is a rule for is defined in the same module as the rule itself.
- "Orphan" if nothing on the LHS is defined in the same module as the rule itself
Rule | |
| |
BuiltinRule | Built-in rules are used for constant folding and suchlike. They have no free variables. |
type RuleName = FastStringSource
type IdUnfoldingFun = Id -> UnfoldingSource
type InScopeEnv = (InScopeSet, IdUnfoldingFun)Source
Operations on CoreRule
ruleArity :: CoreRule -> IntSource
The number of arguments the ru_fn
must be applied
to before the rule can match on it
setRuleIdName :: Name -> CoreRule -> CoreRuleSource
isBuiltinRule :: CoreRule -> BoolSource
isLocalRule :: CoreRule -> BoolSource