ghc-7.7.20130829: The GHC API

Safe HaskellTrustworthy





data DataflowLattice a Source

A transfer function might want to use the logging flag to control debugging, as in for example, it updates just one element in a big finite map. We don't want Hoopl to show the whole fact, and only the transfer function knows exactly what changed.




fact_name :: String
fact_bot :: a
fact_join :: JoinFun a

newtype OldFact a Source


OldFact a 

newtype NewFact a Source


NewFact a 

type family Fact x f :: *Source

mkFactBase :: DataflowLattice f -> [(Label, f)] -> FactBase fSource

mkFactBase creates a FactBase from a list of (Label, fact) pairs. If the same label appears more than once, the relevant facts are joined.

data FwdPass m n f Source



mkFTransfer :: (forall e x. n e x -> f -> Fact x f) -> FwdTransfer n fSource

mkFTransfer3 :: (n C O -> f -> f) -> (n O O -> f -> f) -> (n O C -> f -> FactBase f) -> FwdTransfer n fSource

getFTransfer3 :: FwdTransfer n f -> (n C O -> f -> f, n O O -> f -> f, n O C -> f -> FactBase f)Source

Respecting Fuel

A value of type FwdRewrite or BwdRewrite respects fuel if any function contained within the value satisfies the following properties:

  • When fuel is exhausted, it always returns Nothing.
  • When it returns Just g rw, it consumes exactly one unit of fuel, and new rewrite rw also respects fuel.

Provided that functions passed to mkFRewrite, mkFRewrite3, mkBRewrite, and mkBRewrite3 are not aware of the fuel supply, the results respect fuel.

It is an unchecked run-time error for the argument passed to wrapFR, wrapFR2, wrapBR, or warpBR2 to return a function that does not respect fuel.

data FwdRewrite m n f Source

mkFRewrite :: FuelMonad m => (forall e x. n e x -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x))) -> FwdRewrite m n fSource

Functions passed to mkFRewrite should not be aware of the fuel supply. The result returned by mkFRewrite respects fuel.

mkFRewrite3 :: forall n f. (n C O -> f -> UniqSM (Maybe (Graph n C O))) -> (n O O -> f -> UniqSM (Maybe (Graph n O O))) -> (n O C -> f -> UniqSM (Maybe (Graph n O C))) -> FwdRewrite UniqSM n fSource

Functions passed to mkFRewrite3 should not be aware of the fuel supply. The result returned by mkFRewrite3 respects fuel.

getFRewrite3 :: FwdRewrite m n f -> (n C O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n C O, FwdRewrite m n f)), n O O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O O, FwdRewrite m n f)), n O C -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O C, FwdRewrite m n f)))Source



:: (forall e x. (n e x -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x, FwdRewrite m n f))) -> n' e x -> f' -> m' (Maybe (Graph n' e x, FwdRewrite m' n' f')))

This argument may assume that any function passed to it respects fuel, and it must return a result that respects fuel.

-> FwdRewrite m n f 
-> FwdRewrite m' n' f' 



:: (forall e x. (n1 e x -> f1 -> m1 (Maybe (Graph n1 e x, FwdRewrite m1 n1 f1))) -> (n2 e x -> f2 -> m2 (Maybe (Graph n2 e x, FwdRewrite m2 n2 f2))) -> n3 e x -> f3 -> m3 (Maybe (Graph n3 e x, FwdRewrite m3 n3 f3)))

This argument may assume that any function passed to it respects fuel, and it must return a result that respects fuel.

-> FwdRewrite m1 n1 f1 
-> FwdRewrite m2 n2 f2 
-> FwdRewrite m3 n3 f3 

data BwdPass m n f Source



mkBTransfer :: (forall e x. n e x -> Fact x f -> f) -> BwdTransfer n fSource

mkBTransfer3 :: (n C O -> f -> f) -> (n O O -> f -> f) -> (n O C -> FactBase f -> f) -> BwdTransfer n fSource

getBTransfer3 :: BwdTransfer n f -> (n C O -> f -> f, n O O -> f -> f, n O C -> FactBase f -> f)Source



:: (forall e x. Shape x -> (n e x -> Fact x f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x, BwdRewrite m n f))) -> n' e x -> Fact x f' -> m' (Maybe (Graph n' e x, BwdRewrite m' n' f')))

This argument may assume that any function passed to it respects fuel, and it must return a result that respects fuel.

-> BwdRewrite m n f 
-> BwdRewrite m' n' f' 



:: (forall e x. Shape x -> (n1 e x -> Fact x f1 -> m1 (Maybe (Graph n1 e x, BwdRewrite m1 n1 f1))) -> (n2 e x -> Fact x f2 -> m2 (Maybe (Graph n2 e x, BwdRewrite m2 n2 f2))) -> n3 e x -> Fact x f3 -> m3 (Maybe (Graph n3 e x, BwdRewrite m3 n3 f3)))

This argument may assume that any function passed to it respects fuel, and it must return a result that respects fuel.

-> BwdRewrite m1 n1 f1 
-> BwdRewrite m2 n2 f2 
-> BwdRewrite m3 n3 f3 

data BwdRewrite m n f Source

mkBRewrite :: FuelMonad m => (forall e x. n e x -> Fact x f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x))) -> BwdRewrite m n fSource

Functions passed to mkBRewrite should not be aware of the fuel supply. The result returned by mkBRewrite respects fuel.

mkBRewrite3 :: forall n f. (n C O -> f -> UniqSM (Maybe (Graph n C O))) -> (n O O -> f -> UniqSM (Maybe (Graph n O O))) -> (n O C -> FactBase f -> UniqSM (Maybe (Graph n O C))) -> BwdRewrite UniqSM n fSource

getBRewrite3 :: BwdRewrite m n f -> (n C O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n C O, BwdRewrite m n f)), n O O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O O, BwdRewrite m n f)), n O C -> FactBase f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O C, BwdRewrite m n f)))Source

analyzeAndRewriteFwd :: forall n f e x. NonLocal n => FwdPass UniqSM n f -> MaybeC e [Label] -> Graph n e x -> Fact e f -> UniqSM (Graph n e x, FactBase f, MaybeO x f)Source

if the graph being analyzed is open at the entry, there must be no other entry point, or all goes horribly wrong...

analyzeAndRewriteBwd :: NonLocal n => BwdPass UniqSM n f -> MaybeC e [Label] -> Graph n e x -> Fact x f -> UniqSM (Graph n e x, FactBase f, MaybeO e f)Source

if the graph being analyzed is open at the exit, I don't quite understand the implications of possible other exits

analyzeFwd :: forall n f e. NonLocal n => FwdPass UniqSM n f -> MaybeC e [Label] -> Graph n e C -> Fact e f -> FactBase fSource

if the graph being analyzed is open at the entry, there must be no other entry point, or all goes horribly wrong...

analyzeFwdBlocks :: forall n f e. NonLocal n => FwdPass UniqSM n f -> MaybeC e [Label] -> Graph n e C -> Fact e f -> FactBase fSource

if the graph being analyzed is open at the entry, there must be no other entry point, or all goes horribly wrong...

analyzeBwd :: forall n f e. NonLocal n => BwdPass UniqSM n f -> MaybeC e [Label] -> Graph n e C -> Fact C f -> FactBase fSource

if the graph being analyzed is open at the entry, there must be no other entry point, or all goes horribly wrong...