module X86.Regs (
EABase(..), EAIndex(..), addrModeRegs,
eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp, esp,
fake0, fake1, fake2, fake3, fake4, fake5, firstfake,
rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rsi, rdi, rbp, rsp,
r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15,
xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7,
xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15,
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
#include "HsVersions.h"
import CodeGen.Platform
import Reg
import RegClass
import Cmm
import CmmCallConv
import CLabel ( CLabel )
import DynFlags
import Outputable
import Platform
import FastTypes
import FastBool
virtualRegSqueeze :: RegClass -> VirtualReg -> FastInt
virtualRegSqueeze cls vr
= case cls of
-> case vr of
VirtualRegI{} -> _ILIT(1)
VirtualRegHi{} -> _ILIT(1)
_other -> _ILIT(0)
-> case vr of
VirtualRegD{} -> _ILIT(1)
VirtualRegF{} -> _ILIT(0)
_other -> _ILIT(0)
-> case vr of
VirtualRegSSE{} -> _ILIT(1)
_other -> _ILIT(0)
_other -> _ILIT(0)
realRegSqueeze :: RegClass -> RealReg -> FastInt
realRegSqueeze cls rr
= case cls of
-> case rr of
RealRegSingle regNo
| regNo < firstfake -> _ILIT(1)
| otherwise -> _ILIT(0)
RealRegPair{} -> _ILIT(0)
-> case rr of
RealRegSingle regNo
| regNo >= firstfake && regNo <= lastfake -> _ILIT(1)
| otherwise -> _ILIT(0)
RealRegPair{} -> _ILIT(0)
-> case rr of
RealRegSingle regNo | regNo >= firstxmm -> _ILIT(1)
_otherwise -> _ILIT(0)
_other -> _ILIT(0)
data Imm
= ImmInt Int
| ImmInteger Integer
| ImmCLbl CLabel
| ImmLit SDoc
| ImmIndex CLabel Int
| ImmFloat Rational
| ImmDouble Rational
| ImmConstantSum Imm Imm
| ImmConstantDiff Imm Imm
strImmLit :: String -> Imm
strImmLit s = ImmLit (text s)
litToImm :: CmmLit -> Imm
litToImm (CmmInt i w) = ImmInteger (narrowS w i)
litToImm (CmmFloat f W32) = ImmFloat f
litToImm (CmmFloat f W64) = ImmDouble f
litToImm (CmmLabel l) = ImmCLbl l
litToImm (CmmLabelOff l off) = ImmIndex l off
litToImm (CmmLabelDiffOff l1 l2 off)
= ImmConstantSum
(ImmConstantDiff (ImmCLbl l1) (ImmCLbl l2))
(ImmInt off)
litToImm _ = panic "X86.Regs.litToImm: no match"
data AddrMode
= AddrBaseIndex EABase EAIndex Displacement
| ImmAddr Imm Int
data EABase = EABaseNone | EABaseReg Reg | EABaseRip
data EAIndex = EAIndexNone | EAIndex Reg Int
type Displacement = Imm
addrOffset :: AddrMode -> Int -> Maybe AddrMode
addrOffset addr off
= case addr of
ImmAddr i off0 -> Just (ImmAddr i (off0 + off))
AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmInt n) -> Just (AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmInt (n + off)))
AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmInteger n)
-> Just (AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmInt (fromInteger (n + toInteger off))))
AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmCLbl lbl)
-> Just (AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmIndex lbl off))
AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmIndex lbl ix)
-> Just (AddrBaseIndex r i (ImmIndex lbl (ix+off)))
_ -> Nothing
addrModeRegs :: AddrMode -> [Reg]
addrModeRegs (AddrBaseIndex b i _) = b_regs ++ i_regs
b_regs = case b of { EABaseReg r -> [r]; _ -> [] }
i_regs = case i of { EAIndex r _ -> [r]; _ -> [] }
addrModeRegs _ = []
spRel :: DynFlags
-> Int
-> AddrMode
spRel dflags n
| target32Bit (targetPlatform dflags)
= AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg esp) EAIndexNone (ImmInt n)
| otherwise
= AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg rsp) EAIndexNone (ImmInt n)
firstfake, lastfake :: RegNo
firstfake = 16
lastfake = 21
firstxmm :: RegNo
firstxmm = 24
lastxmm :: Platform -> RegNo
lastxmm platform
| target32Bit platform = 31
| otherwise = 39
lastint :: Platform -> RegNo
lastint platform
| target32Bit platform = 7
| otherwise = 15
intregnos :: Platform -> [RegNo]
intregnos platform = [0 .. lastint platform]
fakeregnos :: [RegNo]
fakeregnos = [firstfake .. lastfake]
xmmregnos :: Platform -> [RegNo]
xmmregnos platform = [firstxmm .. lastxmm platform]
floatregnos :: Platform -> [RegNo]
floatregnos platform = fakeregnos ++ xmmregnos platform
argRegs :: RegNo -> [Reg]
argRegs _ = panic "MachRegs.argRegs(x86): should not be used!"
allMachRegNos :: Platform -> [RegNo]
allMachRegNos platform = intregnos platform ++ floatregnos platform
classOfRealReg :: Platform -> RealReg -> RegClass
classOfRealReg platform reg
= case reg of
RealRegSingle i
| i <= lastint platform -> RcInteger
| i <= lastfake -> RcDouble
| otherwise -> RcDoubleSSE
RealRegPair{} -> panic "X86.Regs.classOfRealReg: RegPairs on this arch"
showReg :: Platform -> RegNo -> String
showReg platform n
| n >= firstxmm = "%xmm" ++ show (nfirstxmm)
| n >= firstfake = "%fake" ++ show (nfirstfake)
| n >= 8 = "%r" ++ show n
| otherwise = regNames platform !! n
regNames :: Platform -> [String]
regNames platform
= if target32Bit platform
then ["%eax", "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx", "%esi", "%edi", "%ebp", "%esp"]
else ["%rax", "%rbx", "%rcx", "%rdx", "%rsi", "%rdi", "%rbp", "%rsp"]
fake0, fake1, fake2, fake3, fake4, fake5,
eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esp, ebp, esi, edi :: Reg
eax = regSingle 0
ebx = regSingle 1
ecx = regSingle 2
edx = regSingle 3
esi = regSingle 4
edi = regSingle 5
ebp = regSingle 6
esp = regSingle 7
fake0 = regSingle 16
fake1 = regSingle 17
fake2 = regSingle 18
fake3 = regSingle 19
fake4 = regSingle 20
fake5 = regSingle 21
rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rsp, rbp, rsi, rdi,
r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15,
xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7,
xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15 :: Reg
rax = regSingle 0
rbx = regSingle 1
rcx = regSingle 2
rdx = regSingle 3
rsi = regSingle 4
rdi = regSingle 5
rbp = regSingle 6
rsp = regSingle 7
r8 = regSingle 8
r9 = regSingle 9
r10 = regSingle 10
r11 = regSingle 11
r12 = regSingle 12
r13 = regSingle 13
r14 = regSingle 14
r15 = regSingle 15
xmm0 = regSingle 24
xmm1 = regSingle 25
xmm2 = regSingle 26
xmm3 = regSingle 27
xmm4 = regSingle 28
xmm5 = regSingle 29
xmm6 = regSingle 30
xmm7 = regSingle 31
xmm8 = regSingle 32
xmm9 = regSingle 33
xmm10 = regSingle 34
xmm11 = regSingle 35
xmm12 = regSingle 36
xmm13 = regSingle 37
xmm14 = regSingle 38
xmm15 = regSingle 39
ripRel :: Displacement -> AddrMode
ripRel imm = AddrBaseIndex EABaseRip EAIndexNone imm
xmm :: RegNo -> Reg
xmm n = regSingle (firstxmm+n)
callClobberedRegs :: Platform -> [Reg]
callClobberedRegs platform
| target32Bit platform = [eax,ecx,edx] ++ map regSingle (floatregnos platform)
| otherwise
= [rax,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,r8,r9,r10,r11]
++ map regSingle (floatregnos platform)
allArgRegs :: Platform -> [(Reg, Reg)]
allArgRegs platform
| platformOS platform == OSMinGW32 = zip [rcx,rdx,r8,r9]
(map regSingle [firstxmm ..])
| otherwise = panic "X86.Regs.allArgRegs: not defined for this arch"
allIntArgRegs :: Platform -> [Reg]
allIntArgRegs platform
| (platformOS platform == OSMinGW32) || target32Bit platform
= panic "X86.Regs.allIntArgRegs: not defined for this platform"
| otherwise = [rdi,rsi,rdx,rcx,r8,r9]
allFPArgRegs :: Platform -> [Reg]
allFPArgRegs platform
| platformOS platform == OSMinGW32
= panic "X86.Regs.allFPArgRegs: not defined for this platform"
| otherwise = map regSingle [firstxmm .. firstxmm+7]
instrClobberedRegs :: Platform -> [Reg]
instrClobberedRegs platform
| target32Bit platform = [ eax, ecx, edx ]
| otherwise = [ rax, rcx, rdx ]
allHaskellArgRegs :: DynFlags -> [Reg]
allHaskellArgRegs dflags = [ RegReal r | Just r <- map (globalRegMaybe platform) (globalArgRegs dflags) ]
where platform = targetPlatform dflags
allocatableRegs :: Platform -> [RealReg]
allocatableRegs platform
= let isFree i = isFastTrue (freeReg platform i)
in map RealRegSingle $ filter isFree (allMachRegNos platform)