-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2012 -- -- Monadic streams -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Stream ( Stream(..), yield, liftIO, collect, fromList, Stream.map, Stream.mapM, Stream.mapAccumL ) where -- | -- @Stream m a b@ is a computation in some Monad @m@ that delivers a sequence -- of elements of type @a@ followed by a result of type @b@. -- -- More concretely, a value of type @Stream m a b@ can be run using @runStream@ -- in the Monad @m@, and it delivers either -- -- * the final result: @Left b@, or -- * @Right (a,str)@, where @a@ is the next element in the stream, and @str@ -- is a computation to get the rest of the stream. -- -- Stream is itself a Monad, and provides an operation 'yield' that -- produces a new element of the stream. This makes it convenient to turn -- existing monadic computations into streams. -- -- The idea is that Stream is useful for making a monadic computation -- that produces values from time to time. This can be used for -- knitting together two complex monadic operations, so that the -- producer does not have to produce all its values before the -- consumer starts consuming them. We make the producer into a -- Stream, and the consumer pulls on the stream each time it wants a -- new value. -- newtype Stream m a b = Stream { runStream :: m (Either b (a, Stream m a b)) } instance Monad m => Monad (Stream m a) where return a = Stream (return (Left a)) Stream m >>= k = Stream $ do r <- m case r of Left b -> runStream (k b) Right (a,str) -> return (Right (a, str >>= k)) yield :: Monad m => a -> Stream m a () yield a = Stream (return (Right (a, return ()))) liftIO :: IO a -> Stream IO b a liftIO io = Stream $ io >>= return . Left -- | Turn a Stream into an ordinary list, by demanding all the elements. collect :: Monad m => Stream m a () -> m [a] collect str = go str [] where go str acc = do r <- runStream str case r of Left () -> return (reverse acc) Right (a, str') -> go str' (a:acc) -- | Turn a list into a 'Stream', by yielding each element in turn. fromList :: Monad m => [a] -> Stream m a () fromList = mapM_ yield -- | Apply a function to each element of a 'Stream', lazily map :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Stream m a x -> Stream m b x map f str = Stream $ do r <- runStream str case r of Left x -> return (Left x) Right (a, str') -> return (Right (f a, Stream.map f str')) -- | Apply a monadic operation to each element of a 'Stream', lazily mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Stream m a x -> Stream m b x mapM f str = Stream $ do r <- runStream str case r of Left x -> return (Left x) Right (a, str') -> do b <- f a return (Right (b, Stream.mapM f str')) -- | analog of the list-based 'mapAccumL' on Streams. This is a simple -- way to map over a Stream while carrying some state around. mapAccumL :: Monad m => (c -> a -> m (c,b)) -> c -> Stream m a () -> Stream m b c mapAccumL f c str = Stream $ do r <- runStream str case r of Left () -> return (Left c) Right (a, str') -> do (c',b) <- f c a return (Right (b, mapAccumL f c' str'))