module StgCmmHeap (
getVirtHp, setVirtHp, setRealHp,
getHpRelOffset, hpRel,
entryHeapCheck, altHeapCheck, noEscapeHeapCheck, altHeapCheckReturnsTo,
mkVirtHeapOffsets, mkVirtConstrOffsets,
mkStaticClosureFields, mkStaticClosure,
allocDynClosure, allocDynClosureCmm,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import StgSyn
import CLabel
import StgCmmLayout
import StgCmmUtils
import StgCmmMonad
import StgCmmProf
import StgCmmTicky
import StgCmmClosure
import StgCmmEnv
import MkGraph
import Hoopl
import SMRep
import Cmm
import CmmUtils
import CostCentre
import IdInfo( CafInfo(..), mayHaveCafRefs )
import Id ( Id )
import Module
import DynFlags
import FastString( mkFastString, fsLit )
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
:: Maybe Id
-> CmmInfoTable
-> LambdaFormInfo
-> CmmExpr
-> CmmExpr
-> [(NonVoid StgArg, VirtualHpOffset)]
-> FCode CmmExpr
:: Maybe Id -> CmmInfoTable -> LambdaFormInfo -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> [(CmmExpr, VirtualHpOffset)]
-> FCode CmmExpr
allocDynClosure mb_id info_tbl lf_info use_cc _blame_cc args_w_offsets
= do { let (args, offsets) = unzip args_w_offsets
; cmm_args <- mapM getArgAmode args
; allocDynClosureCmm mb_id info_tbl lf_info
use_cc _blame_cc (zip cmm_args offsets)
allocDynClosureCmm mb_id info_tbl lf_info use_cc _blame_cc amodes_w_offsets
= do { virt_hp <- getVirtHp
; let rep = cit_rep info_tbl
; tickyDynAlloc mb_id rep lf_info
; profDynAlloc rep use_cc
; let info_offset = virt_hp + 1
info_ptr = CmmLit (CmmLabel (cit_lbl info_tbl))
; base <- getHpRelOffset info_offset
; emitComment $ mkFastString "allocDynClosure"
; emitSetDynHdr base info_ptr use_cc
; let (cmm_args, offsets) = unzip amodes_w_offsets
; hpStore base cmm_args offsets
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; setVirtHp (virt_hp + heapClosureSize dflags rep)
; getHpRelOffset info_offset
emitSetDynHdr :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
emitSetDynHdr base info_ptr ccs
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
hpStore base (header dflags) [0..]
header :: DynFlags -> [CmmExpr]
header dflags = [info_ptr] ++ dynProfHdr dflags ccs
hpStore :: CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr] -> [VirtualHpOffset] -> FCode ()
hpStore base vals offs
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
let mk_store val off = mkStore (cmmOffsetW dflags base off) val
emit (catAGraphs (zipWith mk_store vals offs))
:: DynFlags
-> CmmInfoTable
-> CostCentreStack
-> CafInfo
-> [CmmLit]
-> [CmmLit]
mkStaticClosureFields dflags info_tbl ccs caf_refs payload
= mkStaticClosure dflags info_lbl ccs payload padding
static_link_field saved_info_field
info_lbl = cit_lbl info_tbl
is_caf = isThunkRep (cit_rep info_tbl)
| is_caf && null payload = [mkIntCLit dflags 0]
| otherwise = []
| is_caf || staticClosureNeedsLink (mayHaveCafRefs caf_refs) info_tbl
= [static_link_value]
| otherwise
= []
| is_caf = [mkIntCLit dflags 0]
| otherwise = []
| mayHaveCafRefs caf_refs = mkIntCLit dflags 0
| otherwise = mkIntCLit dflags 1
mkStaticClosure :: DynFlags -> CLabel -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
-> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit]
mkStaticClosure dflags info_lbl ccs payload padding static_link_field saved_info_field
= [CmmLabel info_lbl]
++ staticProfHdr dflags ccs
++ concatMap (padLitToWord dflags) payload
++ padding
++ static_link_field
++ saved_info_field
padLitToWord :: DynFlags -> CmmLit -> [CmmLit]
padLitToWord dflags lit = lit : padding pad_length
where width = typeWidth (cmmLitType dflags lit)
pad_length = wORD_SIZE dflags widthInBytes width :: Int
padding n | n <= 0 = []
| n `rem` 2 /= 0 = CmmInt 0 W8 : padding (n1)
| n `rem` 4 /= 0 = CmmInt 0 W16 : padding (n2)
| n `rem` 8 /= 0 = CmmInt 0 W32 : padding (n4)
| otherwise = CmmInt 0 W64 : padding (n8)
entryHeapCheck :: ClosureInfo
-> Maybe LocalReg
-> Int
-> [LocalReg]
-> FCode ()
-> FCode ()
entryHeapCheck cl_info nodeSet arity args code
= entryHeapCheck' is_fastf node arity args code
node = case nodeSet of
Just r -> CmmReg (CmmLocal r)
Nothing -> CmmLit (CmmLabel $ staticClosureLabel cl_info)
is_fastf = case closureFunInfo cl_info of
Just (_, ArgGen _) -> False
_otherwise -> True
entryHeapCheck' :: Bool
-> CmmExpr
-> Int
-> [LocalReg]
-> FCode ()
-> FCode ()
entryHeapCheck' is_fastf node arity args code
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
let is_thunk = arity == 0
args' = map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) args
stg_gc_fun = CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCFun)
stg_gc_enter1 = CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCEnter1)
gc_call upd
| is_thunk
= mkJump dflags NativeNodeCall stg_gc_enter1 [node] upd
| is_fastf
= mkJump dflags NativeNodeCall stg_gc_fun (node : args') upd
| otherwise
= mkJump dflags Slow stg_gc_fun (node : args') upd
updfr_sz <- getUpdFrameOff
loop_id <- newLabelC
emitLabel loop_id
heapCheck True True (gc_call updfr_sz <*> mkBranch loop_id) code
altHeapCheck :: [LocalReg] -> FCode a -> FCode a
altHeapCheck regs code = altOrNoEscapeHeapCheck False regs code
altOrNoEscapeHeapCheck :: Bool -> [LocalReg] -> FCode a -> FCode a
altOrNoEscapeHeapCheck checkYield regs code = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
case cannedGCEntryPoint dflags regs of
Nothing -> genericGC checkYield code
Just gc -> do
lret <- newLabelC
let (off, _, copyin) = copyInOflow dflags NativeReturn (Young lret) regs []
lcont <- newLabelC
emitOutOfLine lret (copyin <*> mkBranch lcont)
emitLabel lcont
cannedGCReturnsTo checkYield False gc regs lret off code
altHeapCheckReturnsTo :: [LocalReg] -> Label -> ByteOff -> FCode a -> FCode a
altHeapCheckReturnsTo regs lret off code
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
case cannedGCEntryPoint dflags regs of
Nothing -> genericGC False code
Just gc -> cannedGCReturnsTo False True gc regs lret off code
noEscapeHeapCheck :: [LocalReg] -> FCode a -> FCode a
noEscapeHeapCheck regs code = altOrNoEscapeHeapCheck True regs code
cannedGCReturnsTo :: Bool -> Bool -> CmmExpr -> [LocalReg] -> Label -> ByteOff
-> FCode a
-> FCode a
cannedGCReturnsTo checkYield cont_on_stack gc regs lret off code
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
updfr_sz <- getUpdFrameOff
heapCheck False checkYield (gc_call dflags gc updfr_sz) code
reg_exprs = map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) regs
gc_call dflags label sp
| cont_on_stack
= mkJumpReturnsTo dflags label NativeReturn reg_exprs lret off sp
| otherwise
= mkCallReturnsTo dflags label NativeReturn reg_exprs lret off sp []
genericGC :: Bool -> FCode a -> FCode a
genericGC checkYield code
= do updfr_sz <- getUpdFrameOff
lretry <- newLabelC
emitLabel lretry
call <- mkCall generic_gc (GC, GC) [] [] updfr_sz []
heapCheck False checkYield (call <*> mkBranch lretry) code
cannedGCEntryPoint :: DynFlags -> [LocalReg] -> Maybe CmmExpr
cannedGCEntryPoint dflags regs
= case map localRegType regs of
[] -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_noregs")
| isGcPtrType ty -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_unpt_r1")
| isFloatType ty -> case width of
W32 -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_f1")
W64 -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_d1")
_ -> Nothing
| width == wordWidth dflags -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_unbx_r1")
| width == W64 -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_l1")
| otherwise -> Nothing
width = typeWidth ty
| isGcPtrType ty1
&& isGcPtrType ty2 -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_pp")
| isGcPtrType ty1
&& isGcPtrType ty2
&& isGcPtrType ty3 -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_ppp")
| isGcPtrType ty1
&& isGcPtrType ty2
&& isGcPtrType ty3
&& isGcPtrType ty4 -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_pppp")
_otherwise -> Nothing
generic_gc :: CmmExpr
generic_gc = mkGcLabel "stg_gc_noregs"
mkGcLabel :: String -> CmmExpr
mkGcLabel s = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit s)))
heapCheck :: Bool -> Bool -> CmmAGraph -> FCode a -> FCode a
heapCheck checkStack checkYield do_gc code
= getHeapUsage $ \ hpHw ->
do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; let mb_alloc_bytes
| hpHw > 0 = Just (mkIntExpr dflags (hpHw * (wORD_SIZE dflags)))
| otherwise = Nothing
stk_hwm | checkStack = Just (CmmLit CmmHighStackMark)
| otherwise = Nothing
; codeOnly $ do_checks stk_hwm checkYield mb_alloc_bytes do_gc
; tickyAllocHeap True hpHw
; setRealHp hpHw
; code }
heapStackCheckGen :: Maybe CmmExpr -> Maybe CmmExpr -> FCode ()
heapStackCheckGen stk_hwm mb_bytes
= do updfr_sz <- getUpdFrameOff
lretry <- newLabelC
emitLabel lretry
call <- mkCall generic_gc (GC, GC) [] [] updfr_sz []
do_checks stk_hwm False mb_bytes (call <*> mkBranch lretry)
do_checks :: Maybe CmmExpr
-> Bool
-> Maybe CmmExpr
-> CmmAGraph
-> FCode ()
do_checks mb_stk_hwm checkYield mb_alloc_lit do_gc = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
gc_id <- newLabelC
Just alloc_lit = mb_alloc_lit
bump_hp = cmmOffsetExprB dflags (CmmReg hpReg) alloc_lit
sp_oflo sp_hwm =
CmmMachOp (mo_wordULt dflags)
[CmmMachOp (MO_Sub (typeWidth (cmmRegType dflags spReg)))
[CmmReg spReg, sp_hwm],
CmmReg spLimReg]
hp_oflo = CmmMachOp (mo_wordUGt dflags)
[CmmReg hpReg, CmmReg (CmmGlobal HpLim)]
alloc_n = mkAssign (CmmGlobal HpAlloc) alloc_lit
case mb_stk_hwm of
Nothing -> return ()
Just stk_hwm -> tickyStackCheck >> (emit =<< mkCmmIfGoto (sp_oflo stk_hwm) gc_id)
if (isJust mb_alloc_lit)
then do
emitAssign hpReg bump_hp
emit =<< mkCmmIfThen hp_oflo (alloc_n <*> mkBranch gc_id)
else do
when (not (gopt Opt_OmitYields dflags) && checkYield) $ do
let yielding = CmmMachOp (mo_wordEq dflags)
[CmmReg (CmmGlobal HpLim),
CmmLit (zeroCLit dflags)]
emit =<< mkCmmIfGoto yielding gc_id
emitOutOfLine gc_id $