module StgCmmExtCode (
CmmParse, unEC,
Named(..), Env,
emit, emitLabel, emitAssign, emitStore,
getCode, getCodeR,
withUpdFrameOff, getUpdFrameOff
import qualified StgCmmMonad as F
import StgCmmMonad (FCode, newUnique)
import Cmm
import CLabel
import MkGraph
import BlockId
import DynFlags
import FastString
import Module
import UniqFM
import Unique
data Named
= VarN CmmExpr
| FunN PackageId
| LabelN BlockId
type Env = UniqFM Named
type Decls = [(FastString,Named)]
newtype CmmParse a
= EC { unEC :: Env -> Decls -> FCode (Decls, a) }
type ExtCode = CmmParse ()
returnExtFC :: a -> CmmParse a
returnExtFC a = EC $ \_ s -> return (s, a)
thenExtFC :: CmmParse a -> (a -> CmmParse b) -> CmmParse b
thenExtFC (EC m) k = EC $ \e s -> do (s',r) <- m e s; unEC (k r) e s'
instance Monad CmmParse where
(>>=) = thenExtFC
return = returnExtFC
instance HasDynFlags CmmParse where
getDynFlags = EC (\_ d -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
return (d, dflags))
loopDecls :: CmmParse a -> CmmParse a
loopDecls (EC fcode) =
EC $ \e globalDecls -> do
(_, a) <- F.fixC (\ ~(decls, _) -> fcode (addListToUFM e decls) globalDecls)
return (globalDecls, a)
getEnv :: CmmParse Env
getEnv = EC $ \e s -> return (s, e)
addDecl :: FastString -> Named -> ExtCode
addDecl name named = EC $ \_ s -> return ((name, named) : s, ())
addVarDecl :: FastString -> CmmExpr -> ExtCode
addVarDecl var expr = addDecl var (VarN expr)
addLabel :: FastString -> BlockId -> ExtCode
addLabel name block_id = addDecl name (LabelN block_id)
:: CmmType
-> FastString
-> CmmParse LocalReg
newLocal ty name = do
u <- code newUnique
let reg = LocalReg u ty
addVarDecl name (CmmReg (CmmLocal reg))
return reg
newLabel :: FastString -> CmmParse BlockId
newLabel name = do
u <- code newUnique
addLabel name (mkBlockId u)
return (mkBlockId u)
newBlockId :: CmmParse BlockId
newBlockId = code F.newLabelC
:: FastString
-> PackageId
-> ExtCode
newFunctionName name pkg = addDecl name (FunN pkg)
:: (FastString, CLabel)
-> CmmParse ()
newImport (name, cmmLabel)
= addVarDecl name (CmmLit (CmmLabel cmmLabel))
lookupLabel :: FastString -> CmmParse BlockId
lookupLabel name = do
env <- getEnv
return $
case lookupUFM env name of
Just (LabelN l) -> l
_other -> mkBlockId (newTagUnique (getUnique name) 'L')
lookupName :: FastString -> CmmParse CmmExpr
lookupName name = do
env <- getEnv
return $
case lookupUFM env name of
Just (VarN e) -> e
Just (FunN pkg) -> CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel pkg name))
_other -> CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId name))
code :: FCode a -> CmmParse a
code fc = EC $ \_ s -> do
r <- fc
return (s, r)
emit :: CmmAGraph -> CmmParse ()
emit = code . F.emit
emitLabel :: BlockId -> CmmParse ()
emitLabel = code. F.emitLabel
emitAssign :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmParse ()
emitAssign l r = code (F.emitAssign l r)
emitStore :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmParse ()
emitStore l r = code (F.emitStore l r)
getCode :: CmmParse a -> CmmParse CmmAGraph
getCode (EC ec) = EC $ \e s -> do
((s',_), gr) <- F.getCodeR (ec e s)
return (s', gr)
getCodeR :: CmmParse a -> CmmParse (a, CmmAGraph)
getCodeR (EC ec) = EC $ \e s -> do
((s', r), gr) <- F.getCodeR (ec e s)
return (s', (r,gr))
emitOutOfLine :: BlockId -> CmmAGraph -> CmmParse ()
emitOutOfLine l g = code (F.emitOutOfLine l g)
withUpdFrameOff :: UpdFrameOffset -> CmmParse () -> CmmParse ()
withUpdFrameOff size inner
= EC $ \e s -> F.withUpdFrameOff size $ (unEC inner) e s
getUpdFrameOff :: CmmParse UpdFrameOffset
getUpdFrameOff = code $ F.getUpdFrameOff