% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006-2008
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
module MkIface (
RecompileRequired(..), recompileRequired,
) where
Recompilation checking
A complete description of how recompilation checking works can be
found in the wiki commentary:
Please read the above page for a top-down description of how this all
works. Notes below cover specific issues related to the implementation.
Basic idea:
* In the mi_usages information in an interface, we record the
fingerprint of each free variable of the module
* In mkIface, we compute the fingerprint of each exported thing A.f.
For each external thing that A.f refers to, we include the fingerprint
of the external reference when computing the fingerprint of A.f. So
if anything that A.f depends on changes, then A.f's fingerprint will
Also record any dependent files added with
* addDependentFile
* #include
* -optP-include
* In checkOldIface we compare the mi_usages for the module with
the actual fingerprint for all each thing recorded in mi_usages
#include "HsVersions.h"
import IfaceSyn
import LoadIface
import FlagChecker
import Id
import IdInfo
import Demand
import Coercion( tidyCo )
import Annotations
import CoreSyn
import CoreFVs
import Class
import Kind
import TyCon
import CoAxiom
import DataCon
import Type
import TcType
import InstEnv
import FamInstEnv
import TcRnMonad
import HsSyn
import HscTypes
import Finder
import DynFlags
import VarEnv
import VarSet
import Var
import Name
import Avail
import RdrName
import NameEnv
import NameSet
import Module
import BinIface
import ErrUtils
import Digraph
import SrcLoc
import Outputable
import BasicTypes hiding ( SuccessFlag(..) )
import UniqFM
import Unique
import Util hiding ( eqListBy )
import FastString
import Maybes
import ListSetOps
import Binary
import Fingerprint
import Bag
import Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Ord
import Data.IORef
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
%* *
\subsection{Completing an interface}
%* *
mkIface :: HscEnv
-> Maybe Fingerprint
-> ModDetails
-> ModGuts
-> IO (Messages,
Maybe (ModIface,
mkIface hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint mod_details
ModGuts{ mg_module = this_mod,
mg_boot = is_boot,
mg_used_names = used_names,
mg_used_th = used_th,
mg_deps = deps,
mg_dir_imps = dir_imp_mods,
mg_rdr_env = rdr_env,
mg_fix_env = fix_env,
mg_warns = warns,
mg_hpc_info = hpc_info,
mg_safe_haskell = safe_mode,
mg_trust_pkg = self_trust,
mg_dependent_files = dependent_files
= mkIface_ hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint
this_mod is_boot used_names used_th deps rdr_env fix_env
warns hpc_info dir_imp_mods self_trust dependent_files
safe_mode mod_details
mkIfaceTc :: HscEnv
-> Maybe Fingerprint
-> SafeHaskellMode
-> ModDetails
-> TcGblEnv
-> IO (Messages, Maybe (ModIface, Bool))
mkIfaceTc hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint safe_mode mod_details
tc_result@TcGblEnv{ tcg_mod = this_mod,
tcg_src = hsc_src,
tcg_imports = imports,
tcg_rdr_env = rdr_env,
tcg_fix_env = fix_env,
tcg_warns = warns,
tcg_hpc = other_hpc_info,
tcg_th_splice_used = tc_splice_used,
tcg_dependent_files = dependent_files
= do
let used_names = mkUsedNames tc_result
deps <- mkDependencies tc_result
let hpc_info = emptyHpcInfo other_hpc_info
used_th <- readIORef tc_splice_used
dep_files <- (readIORef dependent_files)
mkIface_ hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint
this_mod (isHsBoot hsc_src) used_names used_th deps rdr_env
fix_env warns hpc_info (imp_mods imports)
(imp_trust_own_pkg imports) dep_files safe_mode mod_details
mkUsedNames :: TcGblEnv -> NameSet
mkUsedNames TcGblEnv{ tcg_dus = dus } = allUses dus
mkDependencies :: TcGblEnv -> IO Dependencies
TcGblEnv{ tcg_mod = mod,
tcg_imports = imports,
tcg_th_used = th_var
= do
th_used <- readIORef th_var
let dep_mods = eltsUFM (delFromUFM (imp_dep_mods imports) (moduleName mod))
pkgs | th_used = insertList thPackageId (imp_dep_pkgs imports)
| otherwise = imp_dep_pkgs imports
sorted_pkgs = sortBy stablePackageIdCmp pkgs
trust_pkgs = imp_trust_pkgs imports
dep_pkgs' = map (\x -> (x, x `elem` trust_pkgs)) sorted_pkgs
return Deps { dep_mods = sortBy (stableModuleNameCmp `on` fst) dep_mods,
dep_pkgs = dep_pkgs',
dep_orphs = sortBy stableModuleCmp (imp_orphs imports),
dep_finsts = sortBy stableModuleCmp (imp_finsts imports) }
mkIface_ :: HscEnv -> Maybe Fingerprint -> Module -> IsBootInterface
-> NameSet -> Bool -> Dependencies -> GlobalRdrEnv
-> NameEnv FixItem -> Warnings -> HpcInfo
-> ImportedMods -> Bool
-> [FilePath]
-> SafeHaskellMode
-> ModDetails
-> IO (Messages, Maybe (ModIface, Bool))
mkIface_ hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint
this_mod is_boot used_names used_th deps rdr_env fix_env src_warns
hpc_info dir_imp_mods pkg_trust_req dependent_files safe_mode
ModDetails{ md_insts = insts,
md_fam_insts = fam_insts,
md_rules = rules,
md_anns = anns,
md_vect_info = vect_info,
md_types = type_env,
md_exports = exports }
= do
usages <- mkUsageInfo hsc_env this_mod dir_imp_mods used_names dependent_files
let entities = typeEnvElts type_env
decls = [ tyThingToIfaceDecl entity
| entity <- entities,
let name = getName entity,
not (isImplicitTyThing entity),
not (isWiredInName name),
nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name ]
fixities = [(occ,fix) | FixItem occ fix <- nameEnvElts fix_env]
warns = src_warns
iface_rules = map (coreRuleToIfaceRule this_mod) rules
iface_insts = map instanceToIfaceInst insts
iface_fam_insts = map famInstToIfaceFamInst fam_insts
iface_vect_info = flattenVectInfo vect_info
trust_info = setSafeMode safe_mode
intermediate_iface = ModIface {
mi_module = this_mod,
mi_boot = is_boot,
mi_deps = deps,
mi_usages = usages,
mi_exports = mkIfaceExports exports,
mi_insts = sortBy cmp_inst iface_insts,
mi_fam_insts = sortBy cmp_fam_inst iface_fam_insts,
mi_rules = sortBy cmp_rule iface_rules,
mi_vect_info = iface_vect_info,
mi_fixities = fixities,
mi_warns = warns,
mi_anns = mkIfaceAnnotations anns,
mi_globals = maybeGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env,
mi_iface_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_mod_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_flag_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_exp_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_used_th = used_th,
mi_orphan_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_orphan = False,
mi_finsts = False,
mi_decls = deliberatelyOmitted "decls",
mi_hash_fn = deliberatelyOmitted "hash_fn",
mi_hpc = isHpcUsed hpc_info,
mi_trust = trust_info,
mi_trust_pkg = pkg_trust_req,
mi_warn_fn = mkIfaceWarnCache warns,
mi_fix_fn = mkIfaceFixCache fixities }
(new_iface, no_change_at_all)
addFingerprints hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint
intermediate_iface decls
let warn_orphs = wopt Opt_WarnOrphans dflags
warn_auto_orphs = wopt Opt_WarnAutoOrphans dflags
| warn_orphs || warn_auto_orphs = rule_warns `unionBags` inst_warns
| otherwise = emptyBag
errs_and_warns = (orph_warnings, emptyBag)
unqual = mkPrintUnqualified dflags rdr_env
inst_warns = listToBag [ instOrphWarn dflags unqual d
| (d,i) <- insts `zip` iface_insts
, isNothing (ifInstOrph i) ]
rule_warns = listToBag [ ruleOrphWarn dflags unqual this_mod r
| r <- iface_rules
, isNothing (ifRuleOrph r)
, if ifRuleAuto r then warn_auto_orphs
else warn_orphs ]
if errorsFound dflags errs_and_warns
then return ( errs_and_warns, Nothing )
else do
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_hi "FINAL INTERFACE"
(pprModIface new_iface)
let final_iface = new_iface{ mi_globals = maybeGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env }
return (errs_and_warns, Just (final_iface, no_change_at_all))
cmp_rule = comparing ifRuleName
cmp_inst = comparing (nameOccName . ifDFun)
cmp_fam_inst = comparing (nameOccName . ifFamInstTcName)
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
maybeGlobalRdrEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Maybe GlobalRdrEnv
maybeGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env
| targetRetainsAllBindings (hscTarget dflags) = Just rdr_env
| otherwise = Nothing
deliberatelyOmitted :: String -> a
deliberatelyOmitted x = panic ("Deliberately omitted: " ++ x)
ifFamInstTcName = ifFamInstFam
flattenVectInfo (VectInfo { vectInfoVar = vVar
, vectInfoTyCon = vTyCon
, vectInfoParallelVars = vParallelVars
, vectInfoParallelTyCons = vParallelTyCons
}) =
{ ifaceVectInfoVar = [Var.varName v | (v, _ ) <- varEnvElts vVar]
, ifaceVectInfoTyCon = [tyConName t | (t, t_v) <- nameEnvElts vTyCon, t /= t_v]
, ifaceVectInfoTyConReuse = [tyConName t | (t, t_v) <- nameEnvElts vTyCon, t == t_v]
, ifaceVectInfoParallelVars = [Var.varName v | v <- varSetElems vParallelVars]
, ifaceVectInfoParallelTyCons = nameSetToList vParallelTyCons
writeIfaceFile :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> ModIface -> IO ()
writeIfaceFile dflags hi_file_path new_iface
= do createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory hi_file_path)
writeBinIface dflags hi_file_path new_iface
:: HscEnv
-> ExternalPackageState
-> (Name -> Fingerprint)
mkHashFun hsc_env eps
= \name ->
mod = ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name ) nameModule name
occ = nameOccName name
iface = lookupIfaceByModule (hsc_dflags hsc_env) hpt pit mod `orElse`
pprPanic "lookupVers2" (ppr mod <+> ppr occ)
snd (mi_hash_fn iface occ `orElse`
pprPanic "lookupVers1" (ppr mod <+> ppr occ))
hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
pit = eps_PIT eps
:: HscEnv
-> Maybe Fingerprint
-> ModIface
-> [IfaceDecl]
-> IO (ModIface,
addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
= do
eps <- hscEPS hsc_env
declABI :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceDeclABI
declABI decl = (this_mod, decl, extras)
where extras = declExtras fix_fn non_orph_rules non_orph_insts
non_orph_fis decl
edges :: [(IfaceDeclABI, Unique, [Unique])]
edges = [ (abi, getUnique (ifName decl), out)
| decl <- new_decls
, let abi = declABI decl
, let out = localOccs $ freeNamesDeclABI abi
name_module n = ASSERT2( isExternalName n, ppr n ) nameModule n
localOccs = map (getUnique . getParent . getOccName)
. filter ((== this_mod) . name_module)
. nameSetToList
where getParent occ = lookupOccEnv parent_map occ `orElse` occ
parent_map :: OccEnv OccName
parent_map = foldr extend emptyOccEnv new_decls
where extend d env =
extendOccEnvList env [ (b,n) | b <- ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs d ]
where n = ifName d
groups = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices edges
global_hash_fn = mkHashFun hsc_env eps
mk_put_name :: (OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint))
-> BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
mk_put_name local_env bh name
| isWiredInName name = putNameLiterally bh name
| otherwise
= ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
let hash | nameModule name /= this_mod = global_hash_fn name
| otherwise = snd (lookupOccEnv local_env (getOccName name)
`orElse` pprPanic "urk! lookup local fingerprint"
(ppr name))
in put_ bh hash
fingerprint_group :: (OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint),
-> SCC IfaceDeclABI
-> IO (OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint),
fingerprint_group (local_env, decls_w_hashes) (AcyclicSCC abi)
= do let hash_fn = mk_put_name local_env
decl = abiDecl abi
hash <- computeFingerprint hash_fn abi
env' <- extend_hash_env local_env (hash,decl)
return (env', (hash,decl) : decls_w_hashes)
fingerprint_group (local_env, decls_w_hashes) (CyclicSCC abis)
= do let decls = map abiDecl abis
local_env1 <- foldM extend_hash_env local_env
(zip (repeat fingerprint0) decls)
let hash_fn = mk_put_name local_env1
let stable_abis = sortBy cmp_abiNames abis
hash <- computeFingerprint hash_fn stable_abis
let pairs = zip (repeat hash) decls
local_env2 <- foldM extend_hash_env local_env pairs
return (local_env2, pairs ++ decls_w_hashes)
extend_hash_env :: OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint)
-> (Fingerprint,IfaceDecl)
-> IO (OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint))
extend_hash_env env0 (hash,d) = do
return (foldr (\(b,fp) env -> extendOccEnv env b (b,fp)) env0
(ifaceDeclFingerprints hash d))
(local_env, decls_w_hashes) <-
foldM fingerprint_group (emptyOccEnv, []) groups
let sorted_deps = sortDependencies (mi_deps iface0)
let orph_mods = filter ((== this_pkg) . modulePackageId)
$ dep_orphs sorted_deps
dep_orphan_hashes <- getOrphanHashes hsc_env orph_mods
orphan_hash <- computeFingerprint (mk_put_name local_env)
(map ifDFun orph_insts, orph_rules, orph_fis)
export_hash <- computeFingerprint putNameLiterally
(mi_exports iface0,
dep_pkgs (mi_deps iface0),
mi_trust iface0)
let sorted_decls = Map.elems $ Map.fromList $
[(ifName d, e) | e@(_, d) <- decls_w_hashes]
flag_hash <- fingerprintDynFlags dflags this_mod putNameLiterally
mod_hash <- computeFingerprint putNameLiterally
(map fst sorted_decls,
mi_warns iface0,
mi_vect_info iface0)
iface_hash <- computeFingerprint putNameLiterally
mi_usages iface0,
mi_hpc iface0)
no_change_at_all = Just iface_hash == mb_old_fingerprint
final_iface = iface0 {
mi_mod_hash = mod_hash,
mi_iface_hash = iface_hash,
mi_exp_hash = export_hash,
mi_orphan_hash = orphan_hash,
mi_flag_hash = flag_hash,
mi_orphan = not ( null orph_rules
&& null orph_insts
&& null orph_fis
&& isNoIfaceVectInfo (mi_vect_info iface0)),
mi_finsts = not . null $ mi_fam_insts iface0,
mi_decls = sorted_decls,
mi_hash_fn = lookupOccEnv local_env }
return (final_iface, no_change_at_all)
this_mod = mi_module iface0
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
this_pkg = thisPackage dflags
(non_orph_insts, orph_insts) = mkOrphMap ifInstOrph (mi_insts iface0)
(non_orph_rules, orph_rules) = mkOrphMap ifRuleOrph (mi_rules iface0)
(non_orph_fis, orph_fis) = mkOrphMap ifFamInstOrph (mi_fam_insts iface0)
fix_fn = mi_fix_fn iface0
getOrphanHashes :: HscEnv -> [Module] -> IO [Fingerprint]
getOrphanHashes hsc_env mods = do
eps <- hscEPS hsc_env
hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
pit = eps_PIT eps
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
get_orph_hash mod =
case lookupIfaceByModule dflags hpt pit mod of
Nothing -> pprPanic "moduleOrphanHash" (ppr mod)
Just iface -> mi_orphan_hash iface
return (map get_orph_hash mods)
sortDependencies :: Dependencies -> Dependencies
sortDependencies d
= Deps { dep_mods = sortBy (compare `on` (moduleNameFS.fst)) (dep_mods d),
dep_pkgs = sortBy (stablePackageIdCmp `on` fst) (dep_pkgs d),
dep_orphs = sortBy stableModuleCmp (dep_orphs d),
dep_finsts = sortBy stableModuleCmp (dep_finsts d) }
%* *
The ABI of an IfaceDecl
%* *
Note [The ABI of an IfaceDecl]
The ABI of a declaration consists of:
(a) the full name of the identifier (inc. module and package,
because these are used to construct the symbol name by which
the identifier is known externally).
(b) the declaration itself, as exposed to clients. That is, the
definition of an Id is included in the fingerprint only if
it is made available as as unfolding in the interface.
(c) the fixity of the identifier
(d) for Ids: rules
(e) for classes: instances, fixity & rules for methods
(f) for datatypes: instances, fixity & rules for constrs
Items (c)-(f) are not stored in the IfaceDecl, but instead appear
elsewhere in the interface file. But they are *fingerprinted* with
the declaration itself. This is done by grouping (c)-(f) in IfaceDeclExtras,
and fingerprinting that as part of the declaration.
type IfaceDeclABI = (Module, IfaceDecl, IfaceDeclExtras)
data IfaceDeclExtras
= IfaceIdExtras Fixity [IfaceRule]
| IfaceDataExtras
| IfaceClassExtras
| IfaceSynExtras Fixity [IfaceInstABI]
| IfaceOtherDeclExtras
type IfaceInstABI = IfExtName
abiDecl :: IfaceDeclABI -> IfaceDecl
abiDecl (_, decl, _) = decl
cmp_abiNames :: IfaceDeclABI -> IfaceDeclABI -> Ordering
cmp_abiNames abi1 abi2 = ifName (abiDecl abi1) `compare`
ifName (abiDecl abi2)
freeNamesDeclABI :: IfaceDeclABI -> NameSet
freeNamesDeclABI (_mod, decl, extras) =
freeNamesIfDecl decl `unionNameSets` freeNamesDeclExtras extras
freeNamesDeclExtras :: IfaceDeclExtras -> NameSet
freeNamesDeclExtras (IfaceIdExtras _ rules)
= unionManyNameSets (map freeNamesIfRule rules)
freeNamesDeclExtras (IfaceDataExtras _ insts subs)
= unionManyNameSets (mkNameSet insts : map freeNamesSub subs)
freeNamesDeclExtras (IfaceClassExtras _ insts subs)
= unionManyNameSets (mkNameSet insts : map freeNamesSub subs)
freeNamesDeclExtras (IfaceSynExtras _ insts)
= mkNameSet insts
freeNamesDeclExtras IfaceOtherDeclExtras
= emptyNameSet
freeNamesSub :: (Fixity,[IfaceRule]) -> NameSet
freeNamesSub (_,rules) = unionManyNameSets (map freeNamesIfRule rules)
instance Outputable IfaceDeclExtras where
ppr IfaceOtherDeclExtras = empty
ppr (IfaceIdExtras fix rules) = ppr_id_extras fix rules
ppr (IfaceSynExtras fix finsts) = vcat [ppr fix, ppr finsts]
ppr (IfaceDataExtras fix insts stuff) = vcat [ppr fix, ppr_insts insts,
ppr_id_extras_s stuff]
ppr (IfaceClassExtras fix insts stuff) = vcat [ppr fix, ppr_insts insts,
ppr_id_extras_s stuff]
ppr_insts :: [IfaceInstABI] -> SDoc
ppr_insts _ = ptext (sLit "<insts>")
ppr_id_extras_s :: [(Fixity, [IfaceRule])] -> SDoc
ppr_id_extras_s stuff = vcat [ppr_id_extras f r | (f,r)<- stuff]
ppr_id_extras :: Fixity -> [IfaceRule] -> SDoc
ppr_id_extras fix rules = ppr fix $$ vcat (map ppr rules)
instance Binary IfaceDeclExtras where
get _bh = panic "no get for IfaceDeclExtras"
put_ bh (IfaceIdExtras fix rules) = do
putByte bh 1; put_ bh fix; put_ bh rules
put_ bh (IfaceDataExtras fix insts cons) = do
putByte bh 2; put_ bh fix; put_ bh insts; put_ bh cons
put_ bh (IfaceClassExtras fix insts methods) = do
putByte bh 3; put_ bh fix; put_ bh insts; put_ bh methods
put_ bh (IfaceSynExtras fix finsts) = do
putByte bh 4; put_ bh fix; put_ bh finsts
put_ bh IfaceOtherDeclExtras = do
putByte bh 5
declExtras :: (OccName -> Fixity)
-> OccEnv [IfaceRule]
-> OccEnv [IfaceClsInst]
-> OccEnv [IfaceFamInst]
-> IfaceDecl
-> IfaceDeclExtras
declExtras fix_fn rule_env inst_env fi_env decl
= case decl of
IfaceId{} -> IfaceIdExtras (fix_fn n)
(lookupOccEnvL rule_env n)
IfaceData{ifCons=cons} ->
IfaceDataExtras (fix_fn n)
(map ifFamInstAxiom (lookupOccEnvL fi_env n) ++
map ifDFun (lookupOccEnvL inst_env n))
(map (id_extras . ifConOcc) (visibleIfConDecls cons))
IfaceClass{ifSigs=sigs, ifATs=ats} ->
IfaceClassExtras (fix_fn n)
(map ifDFun $ (concatMap at_extras ats)
++ lookupOccEnvL inst_env n)
[id_extras op | IfaceClassOp op _ _ <- sigs]
IfaceSyn{} -> IfaceSynExtras (fix_fn n)
(map ifFamInstAxiom (lookupOccEnvL fi_env n))
_other -> IfaceOtherDeclExtras
n = ifName decl
id_extras occ = (fix_fn occ, lookupOccEnvL rule_env occ)
at_extras (IfaceAT decl _) = lookupOccEnvL inst_env (ifName decl)
lookupOccEnvL :: OccEnv [v] -> OccName -> [v]
lookupOccEnvL env k = lookupOccEnv env k `orElse` []
putNameLiterally :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
putNameLiterally bh name = ASSERT( isExternalName name )
put_ bh $! nameModule name
put_ bh $! nameOccName name
instOrphWarn :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> ClsInst -> WarnMsg
instOrphWarn dflags unqual inst
= mkWarnMsg dflags (getSrcSpan inst) unqual $
hang (ptext (sLit "Orphan instance:")) 2 (pprInstanceHdr inst)
ruleOrphWarn :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> Module -> IfaceRule -> WarnMsg
ruleOrphWarn dflags unqual mod rule
= mkWarnMsg dflags silly_loc unqual $
ptext (sLit "Orphan rule:") <+> ppr rule
silly_loc = srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (moduleNameFS (moduleName mod)) 1 1)
mkOrphMap :: (decl -> Maybe OccName)
-> [decl]
-> (OccEnv [decl],
mkOrphMap get_key decls
= foldl go (emptyOccEnv, []) decls
go (non_orphs, orphs) d
| Just occ <- get_key d
= (extendOccEnv_Acc (:) singleton non_orphs occ d, orphs)
| otherwise = (non_orphs, d:orphs)
%* *
Keeping track of what we've slurped, and fingerprints
%* *
mkUsageInfo :: HscEnv -> Module -> ImportedMods -> NameSet -> [FilePath] -> IO [Usage]
mkUsageInfo hsc_env this_mod dir_imp_mods used_names dependent_files
= do
eps <- hscEPS hsc_env
hashes <- mapM getFileHash dependent_files
let mod_usages = mk_mod_usage_info (eps_PIT eps) hsc_env this_mod
dir_imp_mods used_names
let usages = mod_usages ++ [ UsageFile { usg_file_path = f
, usg_file_hash = hash }
| (f, hash) <- zip dependent_files hashes ]
usages `seqList` return usages
mk_mod_usage_info :: PackageIfaceTable
-> HscEnv
-> Module
-> ImportedMods
-> NameSet
-> [Usage]
mk_mod_usage_info pit hsc_env this_mod direct_imports used_names
= mapCatMaybes mkUsage usage_mods
hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
this_pkg = thisPackage dflags
used_mods = moduleEnvKeys ent_map
dir_imp_mods = moduleEnvKeys direct_imports
all_mods = used_mods ++ filter (`notElem` used_mods) dir_imp_mods
usage_mods = sortBy stableModuleCmp all_mods
ent_map :: ModuleEnv [OccName]
ent_map = foldNameSet add_mv emptyModuleEnv used_names
add_mv name mv_map
| isWiredInName name = mv_map
| otherwise
= case nameModule_maybe name of
Nothing -> ASSERT2( isSystemName name, ppr name ) mv_map
Just mod ->
extendModuleEnvWith (\_ xs -> occ:xs) mv_map mod [occ]
where occ = nameOccName name
mkUsage :: Module -> Maybe Usage
mkUsage mod
| isNothing maybe_iface
|| mod == this_mod
= Nothing
| modulePackageId mod /= this_pkg
= Just UsagePackageModule{ usg_mod = mod,
usg_mod_hash = mod_hash,
usg_safe = imp_safe }
| (null used_occs
&& isNothing export_hash
&& not is_direct_import
&& not finsts_mod)
= Nothing
| otherwise
= Just UsageHomeModule {
usg_mod_name = moduleName mod,
usg_mod_hash = mod_hash,
usg_exports = export_hash,
usg_entities = Map.toList ent_hashs,
usg_safe = imp_safe }
maybe_iface = lookupIfaceByModule dflags hpt pit mod
Just iface = maybe_iface
finsts_mod = mi_finsts iface
hash_env = mi_hash_fn iface
mod_hash = mi_mod_hash iface
export_hash | depend_on_exports = Just (mi_exp_hash iface)
| otherwise = Nothing
(is_direct_import, imp_safe)
= case lookupModuleEnv direct_imports mod of
Just ((_,_,_,safe):_xs) -> (True, safe)
Just _ -> pprPanic "mkUsage: empty direct import" empty
Nothing -> (False, safeImplicitImpsReq dflags)
used_occs = lookupModuleEnv ent_map mod `orElse` []
ent_hashs :: Map OccName Fingerprint
ent_hashs = Map.fromList (map lookup_occ used_occs)
lookup_occ occ =
case hash_env occ of
Nothing -> pprPanic "mkUsage" (ppr mod <+> ppr occ <+> ppr used_names)
Just r -> r
depend_on_exports = is_direct_import
mkIfaceAnnotations :: [Annotation] -> [IfaceAnnotation]
mkIfaceAnnotations = map mkIfaceAnnotation
mkIfaceAnnotation :: Annotation -> IfaceAnnotation
mkIfaceAnnotation (Annotation { ann_target = target, ann_value = serialized }) = IfaceAnnotation {
ifAnnotatedTarget = fmap nameOccName target,
ifAnnotatedValue = serialized
mkIfaceExports :: [AvailInfo] -> [IfaceExport]
mkIfaceExports exports
= sortBy stableAvailCmp (map sort_subs exports)
sort_subs :: AvailInfo -> AvailInfo
sort_subs (Avail n) = Avail n
sort_subs (AvailTC n []) = AvailTC n []
sort_subs (AvailTC n (m:ms))
| n==m = AvailTC n (m:sortBy stableNameCmp ms)
| otherwise = AvailTC n (sortBy stableNameCmp (m:ms))
Note [Orignal module]
Consider this:
module X where { data family T }
module Y( T(..) ) where { import X; data instance T Int = MkT Int }
The exported Avail from Y will look like
X.T{X.T, Y.MkT}
That is, in Y,
- only MkT is brought into scope by the data instance;
- but the parent (used for grouping and naming in T(..) exports) is X.T
- and in this case we export X.T too
In the result of MkIfaceExports, the names are grouped by defining module,
so we may need to split up a single Avail into multiple ones.
Note [Internal used_names]
Most of the used_names are External Names, but we can have Internal
Names too: see Note [Binders in Template Haskell] in Convert, and
Trac #5362 for an example. Such Names are always
- Such Names are always for locally-defined things, for which we
don't gather usage info, so we can just ignore them in ent_map
- They are always System Names, hence the assert, just as a double check.
%* *
Load the old interface file for this module (unless
we have it already), and check whether it is up to date
%* *
data RecompileRequired
= UpToDate
| MustCompile
| RecompBecause String
deriving Eq
recompileRequired :: RecompileRequired -> Bool
recompileRequired UpToDate = False
recompileRequired _ = True
checkOldIface :: HscEnv
-> ModSummary
-> SourceModified
-> Maybe ModIface
-> IO (RecompileRequired, Maybe ModIface)
checkOldIface hsc_env mod_summary source_modified maybe_iface
= do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
showPass dflags $
"Checking old interface for " ++ (showPpr dflags $ ms_mod mod_summary)
initIfaceCheck hsc_env $
check_old_iface hsc_env mod_summary source_modified maybe_iface
check_old_iface :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> SourceModified -> Maybe ModIface
-> IfG (RecompileRequired, Maybe ModIface)
check_old_iface hsc_env mod_summary src_modified maybe_iface
= let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
getIface =
case maybe_iface of
Just _ -> do
traceIf (text "We already have the old interface for" <+> ppr (ms_mod mod_summary))
return maybe_iface
Nothing -> loadIface
loadIface = do
let iface_path = msHiFilePath mod_summary
read_result <- readIface (ms_mod mod_summary) iface_path
case read_result of
Failed err -> do
traceIf (text "FYI: cannot read old interface file:" $$ nest 4 err)
return Nothing
Succeeded iface -> do
traceIf (text "Read the interface file" <+> text iface_path)
return $ Just iface
| gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (hsc_dflags hsc_env) = True
| SourceModified <- src_modified = True
| otherwise = False
in do
when src_changed $
traceHiDiffs (nest 4 $ text "Source file changed or recompilation check turned off")
case src_changed of
True | not (isObjectTarget $ hscTarget dflags) ->
return (MustCompile, maybe_iface)
True -> do
maybe_iface' <- getIface
return (MustCompile, maybe_iface')
False -> do
maybe_iface' <- getIface
case maybe_iface' of
Nothing -> return (MustCompile, Nothing)
Just iface -> checkVersions hsc_env mod_summary iface
checkVersions :: HscEnv
-> ModSummary
-> ModIface
-> IfG (RecompileRequired, Maybe ModIface)
checkVersions hsc_env mod_summary iface
= do { traceHiDiffs (text "Considering whether compilation is required for" <+>
ppr (mi_module iface) <> colon)
; recomp <- checkFlagHash hsc_env iface
; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
; recomp <- checkDependencies hsc_env mod_summary iface
; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Just iface) else do {
; updateEps_ $ \eps -> eps { eps_is_boot = mod_deps }
; recomp <- checkList [checkModUsage this_pkg u | u <- mi_usages iface]
; return (recomp, Just iface)
this_pkg = thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
mod_deps :: ModuleNameEnv (ModuleName, IsBootInterface)
mod_deps = mkModDeps (dep_mods (mi_deps iface))
checkFlagHash :: HscEnv -> ModIface -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkFlagHash hsc_env iface = do
let old_hash = mi_flag_hash iface
new_hash <- liftIO $ fingerprintDynFlags (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
(mi_module iface)
case old_hash == new_hash of
True -> up_to_date (ptext $ sLit "Module flags unchanged")
False -> out_of_date_hash "flags changed"
(ptext $ sLit " Module flags have changed")
old_hash new_hash
checkDependencies :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> ModIface -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkDependencies hsc_env summary iface
= checkList (map dep_missing (ms_imps summary ++ ms_srcimps summary))
prev_dep_mods = dep_mods (mi_deps iface)
prev_dep_pkgs = dep_pkgs (mi_deps iface)
this_pkg = thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
dep_missing (L _ (ImportDecl { ideclName = L _ mod, ideclPkgQual = pkg })) = do
find_res <- liftIO $ findImportedModule hsc_env mod pkg
let reason = moduleNameString mod ++ " changed"
case find_res of
Found _ mod
| pkg == this_pkg
-> if moduleName mod `notElem` map fst prev_dep_mods
then do traceHiDiffs $
text "imported module " <> quotes (ppr mod) <>
text " not among previous dependencies"
return (RecompBecause reason)
return UpToDate
| otherwise
-> if pkg `notElem` (map fst prev_dep_pkgs)
then do traceHiDiffs $
text "imported module " <> quotes (ppr mod) <>
text " is from package " <> quotes (ppr pkg) <>
text ", which is not among previous dependencies"
return (RecompBecause reason)
return UpToDate
where pkg = modulePackageId mod
_otherwise -> return (RecompBecause reason)
needInterface :: Module -> (ModIface -> IfG RecompileRequired)
-> IfG RecompileRequired
needInterface mod continue
= do
let doc_str = sep [ptext (sLit "need version info for"), ppr mod]
traceHiDiffs (text "Checking usages for module" <+> ppr mod)
mb_iface <- loadInterface doc_str mod ImportBySystem
case mb_iface of
Failed _ -> do
traceHiDiffs (sep [ptext (sLit "Couldn't load interface for module"),
ppr mod])
return MustCompile
Succeeded iface -> continue iface
checkModUsage :: PackageId -> Usage -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkModUsage _this_pkg UsagePackageModule{
usg_mod = mod,
usg_mod_hash = old_mod_hash }
= needInterface mod $ \iface -> do
let reason = moduleNameString (moduleName mod) ++ " changed"
checkModuleFingerprint reason old_mod_hash (mi_mod_hash iface)
checkModUsage this_pkg UsageHomeModule{
usg_mod_name = mod_name,
usg_mod_hash = old_mod_hash,
usg_exports = maybe_old_export_hash,
usg_entities = old_decl_hash }
= do
let mod = mkModule this_pkg mod_name
needInterface mod $ \iface -> do
new_mod_hash = mi_mod_hash iface
new_decl_hash = mi_hash_fn iface
new_export_hash = mi_exp_hash iface
reason = moduleNameString mod_name ++ " changed"
recompile <- checkModuleFingerprint reason old_mod_hash new_mod_hash
if not (recompileRequired recompile)
then return UpToDate
else do
checkMaybeHash reason maybe_old_export_hash new_export_hash
(ptext (sLit " Export list changed")) $ do
recompile <- checkList [ checkEntityUsage reason new_decl_hash u
| u <- old_decl_hash]
if recompileRequired recompile
then return recompile
else up_to_date (ptext (sLit " Great! The bits I use are up to date"))
checkModUsage _this_pkg UsageFile{ usg_file_path = file,
usg_file_hash = old_hash } =
liftIO $
handleIO handle $ do
new_hash <- getFileHash file
if (old_hash /= new_hash)
then return recomp
else return UpToDate
recomp = RecompBecause (file ++ " changed")
handle =
#ifdef DEBUG
\e -> pprTrace "UsageFile" (text (show e)) $ return recomp
\_ -> return recomp
checkModuleFingerprint :: String -> Fingerprint -> Fingerprint
-> IfG RecompileRequired
checkModuleFingerprint reason old_mod_hash new_mod_hash
| new_mod_hash == old_mod_hash
= up_to_date (ptext (sLit "Module fingerprint unchanged"))
| otherwise
= out_of_date_hash reason (ptext (sLit " Module fingerprint has changed"))
old_mod_hash new_mod_hash
checkMaybeHash :: String -> Maybe Fingerprint -> Fingerprint -> SDoc
-> IfG RecompileRequired -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkMaybeHash reason maybe_old_hash new_hash doc continue
| Just hash <- maybe_old_hash, hash /= new_hash
= out_of_date_hash reason doc hash new_hash
| otherwise
= continue
checkEntityUsage :: String
-> (OccName -> Maybe (OccName, Fingerprint))
-> (OccName, Fingerprint)
-> IfG RecompileRequired
checkEntityUsage reason new_hash (name,old_hash)
= case new_hash name of
Nothing ->
out_of_date reason (sep [ptext (sLit "No longer exported:"), ppr name])
Just (_, new_hash)
| new_hash == old_hash -> do traceHiDiffs (text " Up to date" <+> ppr name <+> parens (ppr new_hash))
return UpToDate
| otherwise -> out_of_date_hash reason (ptext (sLit " Out of date:") <+> ppr name)
old_hash new_hash
up_to_date :: SDoc -> IfG RecompileRequired
up_to_date msg = traceHiDiffs msg >> return UpToDate
out_of_date :: String -> SDoc -> IfG RecompileRequired
out_of_date reason msg = traceHiDiffs msg >> return (RecompBecause reason)
out_of_date_hash :: String -> SDoc -> Fingerprint -> Fingerprint -> IfG RecompileRequired
out_of_date_hash reason msg old_hash new_hash
= out_of_date reason (hsep [msg, ppr old_hash, ptext (sLit "->"), ppr new_hash])
checkList :: [IfG RecompileRequired] -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkList [] = return UpToDate
checkList (check:checks) = do recompile <- check
if recompileRequired recompile
then return recompile
else checkList checks
%* *
Converting things to their Iface equivalents
%* *
tyThingToIfaceDecl :: TyThing -> IfaceDecl
tyThingToIfaceDecl (AnId id) = idToIfaceDecl id
tyThingToIfaceDecl (ATyCon tycon) = tyConToIfaceDecl emptyTidyEnv tycon
tyThingToIfaceDecl (ACoAxiom ax) = coAxiomToIfaceDecl ax
tyThingToIfaceDecl (ADataCon dc) = pprPanic "toIfaceDecl" (ppr dc)
idToIfaceDecl :: Id -> IfaceDecl
idToIfaceDecl id
= IfaceId { ifName = getOccName id,
ifType = toIfaceType (idType id),
ifIdDetails = toIfaceIdDetails (idDetails id),
ifIdInfo = toIfaceIdInfo (idInfo id) }
coAxiomToIfaceDecl :: CoAxiom br -> IfaceDecl
coAxiomToIfaceDecl ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = tycon, co_ax_branches = branches
, co_ax_role = role })
= IfaceAxiom { ifName = name
, ifTyCon = toIfaceTyCon tycon
, ifRole = role
, ifAxBranches = brListMap (coAxBranchToIfaceBranch
(brListMap coAxBranchLHS branches)) branches }
name = getOccName ax
coAxBranchToIfaceBranch :: TidyEnv -> [[Type]] -> CoAxBranch -> IfaceAxBranch
coAxBranchToIfaceBranch env0 lhs_s
branch@(CoAxBranch { cab_incomps = incomps })
= (coAxBranchToIfaceBranch' env0 branch) { ifaxbIncomps = iface_incomps }
iface_incomps = map (expectJust "iface_incomps"
. (flip findIndex lhs_s
. eqTypes)
. coAxBranchLHS) incomps
coAxBranchToIfaceBranch' :: TidyEnv -> CoAxBranch -> IfaceAxBranch
coAxBranchToIfaceBranch' env0
(CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_lhs = lhs
, cab_roles = roles, cab_rhs = rhs })
= IfaceAxBranch { ifaxbTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs tv_bndrs
, ifaxbLHS = map (tidyToIfaceType env1) lhs
, ifaxbRoles = roles
, ifaxbRHS = tidyToIfaceType env1 rhs
, ifaxbIncomps = [] }
(env1, tv_bndrs) = tidyTyVarBndrs env0 tvs
tyConToIfaceDecl :: TidyEnv -> TyCon -> IfaceDecl
tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon
| Just clas <- tyConClass_maybe tycon
= classToIfaceDecl env clas
| Just syn_rhs <- synTyConRhs_maybe tycon
= IfaceSyn { ifName = getOccName tycon,
ifTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs tyvars,
ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon,
ifSynRhs = to_ifsyn_rhs syn_rhs,
ifSynKind = tidyToIfaceType env1 (synTyConResKind tycon) }
| isAlgTyCon tycon
= IfaceData { ifName = getOccName tycon,
ifCType = tyConCType tycon,
ifTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs tyvars,
ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon,
ifCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env1 (tyConStupidTheta tycon),
ifCons = ifaceConDecls (algTyConRhs tycon),
ifRec = boolToRecFlag (isRecursiveTyCon tycon),
ifGadtSyntax = isGadtSyntaxTyCon tycon,
ifPromotable = isJust (promotableTyCon_maybe tycon),
ifAxiom = fmap coAxiomName (tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe tycon) }
| isForeignTyCon tycon
= IfaceForeign { ifName = getOccName tycon,
ifExtName = tyConExtName tycon }
| otherwise = pprPanic "toIfaceDecl" (ppr tycon)
(env1, tyvars) = tidyTyClTyVarBndrs env (tyConTyVars tycon)
to_ifsyn_rhs OpenSynFamilyTyCon = IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon
to_ifsyn_rhs (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax)
= IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon (coAxiomName ax)
to_ifsyn_rhs AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon
to_ifsyn_rhs (SynonymTyCon ty)
= IfaceSynonymTyCon (tidyToIfaceType env1 ty)
ifaceConDecls (NewTyCon { data_con = con }) = IfNewTyCon (ifaceConDecl con)
ifaceConDecls (DataTyCon { data_cons = cons }) = IfDataTyCon (map ifaceConDecl cons)
ifaceConDecls (DataFamilyTyCon {}) = IfDataFamTyCon
ifaceConDecls (AbstractTyCon distinct) = IfAbstractTyCon distinct
ifaceConDecl data_con
= IfCon { ifConOcc = getOccName (dataConName data_con),
ifConInfix = dataConIsInfix data_con,
ifConWrapper = isJust (dataConWrapId_maybe data_con),
ifConUnivTvs = toIfaceTvBndrs univ_tvs',
ifConExTvs = toIfaceTvBndrs ex_tvs',
ifConEqSpec = to_eq_spec eq_spec,
ifConCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env2 theta,
ifConArgTys = map (tidyToIfaceType env2) arg_tys,
ifConFields = map getOccName
(dataConFieldLabels data_con),
ifConStricts = map (toIfaceBang env2) (dataConRepBangs data_con) }
(univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, _) = dataConFullSig data_con
(env1, univ_tvs') = tidyTyVarBndrs emptyTidyEnv univ_tvs
(env2, ex_tvs') = tidyTyVarBndrs env1 ex_tvs
to_eq_spec spec = [ (getOccName (tidyTyVar env2 tv), tidyToIfaceType env2 ty)
| (tv,ty) <- spec]
toIfaceBang :: TidyEnv -> HsBang -> IfaceBang
toIfaceBang _ HsNoBang = IfNoBang
toIfaceBang _ (HsUnpack Nothing) = IfUnpack
toIfaceBang env (HsUnpack (Just co)) = IfUnpackCo (toIfaceCoercion (tidyCo env co))
toIfaceBang _ HsStrict = IfStrict
toIfaceBang _ (HsUserBang {}) = panic "toIfaceBang"
classToIfaceDecl :: TidyEnv -> Class -> IfaceDecl
classToIfaceDecl env clas
= IfaceClass { ifCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env1 sc_theta,
ifName = getOccName (classTyCon clas),
ifTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs clas_tyvars',
ifRoles = tyConRoles (classTyCon clas),
ifFDs = map toIfaceFD clas_fds,
ifATs = map toIfaceAT clas_ats,
ifSigs = map toIfaceClassOp op_stuff,
ifRec = boolToRecFlag (isRecursiveTyCon tycon) }
(clas_tyvars, clas_fds, sc_theta, _, clas_ats, op_stuff)
= classExtraBigSig clas
tycon = classTyCon clas
(env1, clas_tyvars') = tidyTyVarBndrs env clas_tyvars
toIfaceAT :: ClassATItem -> IfaceAT
toIfaceAT (tc, defs)
= IfaceAT (tyConToIfaceDecl env1 tc) (map (coAxBranchToIfaceBranch' env1) defs)
toIfaceClassOp (sel_id, def_meth)
= ASSERT(sel_tyvars == clas_tyvars)
IfaceClassOp (getOccName sel_id) (toDmSpec def_meth)
(tidyToIfaceType env1 op_ty)
(sel_tyvars, rho_ty) = splitForAllTys (idType sel_id)
op_ty = funResultTy rho_ty
toDmSpec NoDefMeth = NoDM
toDmSpec (GenDefMeth _) = GenericDM
toDmSpec (DefMeth _) = VanillaDM
toIfaceFD (tvs1, tvs2) = (map (getFS . tidyTyVar env1) tvs1,
map (getFS . tidyTyVar env1) tvs2)
tidyToIfaceType :: TidyEnv -> Type -> IfaceType
tidyToIfaceType env ty = toIfaceType (tidyType env ty)
tidyToIfaceContext :: TidyEnv -> ThetaType -> IfaceContext
tidyToIfaceContext env theta = map (tidyToIfaceType env) theta
tidyTyClTyVarBndrs :: TidyEnv -> [TyVar] -> (TidyEnv, [TyVar])
tidyTyClTyVarBndrs env tvs = mapAccumL tidyTyClTyVarBndr env tvs
tidyTyClTyVarBndr :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> (TidyEnv, TyVar)
tidyTyClTyVarBndr env@(_, subst) tv
| Just tv' <- lookupVarEnv subst tv = (env, tv')
| otherwise = tidyTyVarBndr env tv
tidyTyVar :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar
tidyTyVar (_, subst) tv = lookupVarEnv subst tv `orElse` tv
getFS :: NamedThing a => a -> FastString
getFS x = occNameFS (getOccName x)
instanceToIfaceInst :: ClsInst -> IfaceClsInst
instanceToIfaceInst (ClsInst { is_dfun = dfun_id, is_flag = oflag
, is_cls_nm = cls_name, is_cls = cls
, is_tys = tys, is_tcs = mb_tcs })
= ASSERT( cls_name == className cls )
IfaceClsInst { ifDFun = dfun_name,
ifOFlag = oflag,
ifInstCls = cls_name,
ifInstTys = map do_rough mb_tcs,
ifInstOrph = orph }
do_rough Nothing = Nothing
do_rough (Just n) = Just (toIfaceTyCon_name n)
dfun_name = idName dfun_id
mod = ASSERT( isExternalName dfun_name ) nameModule dfun_name
is_local name = nameIsLocalOrFrom mod name
(tvs, fds) = classTvsFds cls
arg_names = [filterNameSet is_local (orphNamesOfType ty) | ty <- tys]
orph | is_local cls_name = Just (nameOccName cls_name)
| all isJust mb_ns = ASSERT( not (null mb_ns) ) head mb_ns
| otherwise = Nothing
mb_ns :: [Maybe OccName]
mb_ns | null fds = [choose_one arg_names]
| otherwise = map do_one fds
do_one (_ltvs, rtvs) = choose_one [ns | (tv,ns) <- tvs `zip` arg_names
, not (tv `elem` rtvs)]
choose_one :: [NameSet] -> Maybe OccName
choose_one nss = case nameSetToList (unionManyNameSets nss) of
[] -> Nothing
(n : _) -> Just (nameOccName n)
famInstToIfaceFamInst :: FamInst -> IfaceFamInst
famInstToIfaceFamInst (FamInst { fi_axiom = axiom,
fi_fam = fam,
fi_tcs = roughs })
= IfaceFamInst { ifFamInstAxiom = coAxiomName axiom
, ifFamInstFam = fam
, ifFamInstTys = map do_rough roughs
, ifFamInstOrph = orph }
do_rough Nothing = Nothing
do_rough (Just n) = Just (toIfaceTyCon_name n)
fam_decl = tyConName $ coAxiomTyCon axiom
mod = ASSERT( isExternalName (coAxiomName axiom) )
nameModule (coAxiomName axiom)
is_local name = nameIsLocalOrFrom mod name
lhs_names = filterNameSet is_local (orphNamesOfCoCon axiom)
orph | is_local fam_decl
= Just (nameOccName fam_decl)
| not (isEmptyNameSet lhs_names)
= Just (nameOccName (head (nameSetToList lhs_names)))
| otherwise
= Nothing
toIfaceLetBndr :: Id -> IfaceLetBndr
toIfaceLetBndr id = IfLetBndr (occNameFS (getOccName id))
(toIfaceType (idType id))
(toIfaceIdInfo (idInfo id))
toIfaceIdDetails :: IdDetails -> IfaceIdDetails
toIfaceIdDetails VanillaId = IfVanillaId
toIfaceIdDetails (DFunId ns _) = IfDFunId ns
toIfaceIdDetails (RecSelId { sel_naughty = n
, sel_tycon = tc }) = IfRecSelId (toIfaceTyCon tc) n
toIfaceIdDetails other = pprTrace "toIfaceIdDetails" (ppr other)
toIfaceIdInfo :: IdInfo -> IfaceIdInfo
toIfaceIdInfo id_info
= case catMaybes [arity_hsinfo, caf_hsinfo, strict_hsinfo,
inline_hsinfo, unfold_hsinfo] of
[] -> NoInfo
infos -> HasInfo infos
arity_info = arityInfo id_info
arity_hsinfo | arity_info == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (HsArity arity_info)
caf_info = cafInfo id_info
caf_hsinfo = case caf_info of
NoCafRefs -> Just HsNoCafRefs
_other -> Nothing
sig_info = strictnessInfo id_info
strict_hsinfo | not (isTopSig sig_info) = Just (HsStrictness sig_info)
| otherwise = Nothing
unfold_hsinfo = toIfUnfolding loop_breaker (unfoldingInfo id_info)
loop_breaker = isStrongLoopBreaker (occInfo id_info)
inline_prag = inlinePragInfo id_info
inline_hsinfo | isDefaultInlinePragma inline_prag = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (HsInline inline_prag)
toIfUnfolding :: Bool -> Unfolding -> Maybe IfaceInfoItem
toIfUnfolding lb (CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = rhs, uf_arity = arity
, uf_src = src, uf_guidance = guidance })
= Just $ HsUnfold lb $
case src of
-> case guidance of
UnfWhen unsat_ok boring_ok -> IfInlineRule arity unsat_ok boring_ok if_rhs
_other -> IfCoreUnfold True if_rhs
InlineWrapper w | isExternalName n -> IfExtWrapper arity n
| otherwise -> IfLclWrapper arity (getFS n)
n = idName w
InlineCompulsory -> IfCompulsory if_rhs
InlineRhs -> IfCoreUnfold False if_rhs
if_rhs = toIfaceExpr rhs
toIfUnfolding lb (DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_args = args })
= Just (HsUnfold lb (IfDFunUnfold (map toIfaceBndr bndrs) (map toIfaceExpr args)))
toIfUnfolding _ _
= Nothing
coreRuleToIfaceRule :: Module -> CoreRule -> IfaceRule
coreRuleToIfaceRule _ (BuiltinRule { ru_fn = fn})
= pprTrace "toHsRule: builtin" (ppr fn) $
bogusIfaceRule fn
coreRuleToIfaceRule mod rule@(Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn,
ru_act = act, ru_bndrs = bndrs,
ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs,
ru_auto = auto })
= IfaceRule { ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act,
ifRuleBndrs = map toIfaceBndr bndrs,
ifRuleHead = fn,
ifRuleArgs = map do_arg args,
ifRuleRhs = toIfaceExpr rhs,
ifRuleAuto = auto,
ifRuleOrph = orph }
do_arg (Type ty) = IfaceType (toIfaceType (deNoteType ty))
do_arg (Coercion co) = IfaceCo (toIfaceCoercion co)
do_arg arg = toIfaceExpr arg
lhs_names = nameSetToList (ruleLhsOrphNames rule)
orph = case filter (nameIsLocalOrFrom mod) lhs_names of
(n : _) -> Just (nameOccName n)
[] -> Nothing
bogusIfaceRule :: Name -> IfaceRule
bogusIfaceRule id_name
= IfaceRule { ifRuleName = fsLit "bogus", ifActivation = NeverActive,
ifRuleBndrs = [], ifRuleHead = id_name, ifRuleArgs = [],
ifRuleRhs = IfaceExt id_name, ifRuleOrph = Nothing, ifRuleAuto = True }
toIfaceExpr :: CoreExpr -> IfaceExpr
toIfaceExpr (Var v) = toIfaceVar v
toIfaceExpr (Lit l) = IfaceLit l
toIfaceExpr (Type ty) = IfaceType (toIfaceType ty)
toIfaceExpr (Coercion co) = IfaceCo (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceExpr (Lam x b) = IfaceLam (toIfaceBndr x) (toIfaceExpr b)
toIfaceExpr (App f a) = toIfaceApp f [a]
toIfaceExpr (Case s x ty as)
| null as = IfaceECase (toIfaceExpr s) (toIfaceType ty)
| otherwise = IfaceCase (toIfaceExpr s) (getFS x) (map toIfaceAlt as)
toIfaceExpr (Let b e) = IfaceLet (toIfaceBind b) (toIfaceExpr e)
toIfaceExpr (Cast e co) = IfaceCast (toIfaceExpr e) (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceExpr (Tick t e) = IfaceTick (toIfaceTickish t) (toIfaceExpr e)
toIfaceTickish :: Tickish Id -> IfaceTickish
toIfaceTickish (ProfNote cc tick push) = IfaceSCC cc tick push
toIfaceTickish (HpcTick modl ix) = IfaceHpcTick modl ix
toIfaceTickish _ = panic "toIfaceTickish"
toIfaceBind :: Bind Id -> IfaceBinding
toIfaceBind (NonRec b r) = IfaceNonRec (toIfaceLetBndr b) (toIfaceExpr r)
toIfaceBind (Rec prs) = IfaceRec [(toIfaceLetBndr b, toIfaceExpr r) | (b,r) <- prs]
toIfaceAlt :: (AltCon, [Var], CoreExpr)
-> (IfaceConAlt, [FastString], IfaceExpr)
toIfaceAlt (c,bs,r) = (toIfaceCon c, map getFS bs, toIfaceExpr r)
toIfaceCon :: AltCon -> IfaceConAlt
toIfaceCon (DataAlt dc) = IfaceDataAlt (getName dc)
toIfaceCon (LitAlt l) = IfaceLitAlt l
toIfaceCon DEFAULT = IfaceDefault
toIfaceApp :: Expr CoreBndr -> [Arg CoreBndr] -> IfaceExpr
toIfaceApp (App f a) as = toIfaceApp f (a:as)
toIfaceApp (Var v) as
= case isDataConWorkId_maybe v of
Just dc | isTupleTyCon tc && saturated
-> IfaceTuple (tupleTyConSort tc) tup_args
val_args = dropWhile isTypeArg as
saturated = val_args `lengthIs` idArity v
tup_args = map toIfaceExpr val_args
tc = dataConTyCon dc
_ -> mkIfaceApps (toIfaceVar v) as
toIfaceApp e as = mkIfaceApps (toIfaceExpr e) as
mkIfaceApps :: IfaceExpr -> [CoreExpr] -> IfaceExpr
mkIfaceApps f as = foldl (\f a -> IfaceApp f (toIfaceExpr a)) f as
toIfaceVar :: Id -> IfaceExpr
toIfaceVar v
| Just fcall <- isFCallId_maybe v = IfaceFCall fcall (toIfaceType (idType v))
| isExternalName name = IfaceExt name
| otherwise = IfaceLcl (getFS name)
where name = idName v