{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}              -- to declare the kinds
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}         -- (used all over)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}           -- for declaring operators + sing family
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}          -- for declaring operator
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}         -- for declaring the kinds
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}                  -- for examining type nats
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}              -- for Sing family
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}  -- for <=
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}             -- for SingI magic
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}    -- for SingI magic
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-| This module is an internal GHC module.  It declares the constants used
in the implementation of type-level natural numbers.  The programmer interface
for working with type-level naturals should be defined in a separate library. -}

module GHC.TypeLits
  ( -- * Kinds
    Nat, Symbol

    -- * Linking type and value level
  , Sing, SingI, SingE, SingRep, sing, singByProxy, fromSing
  , SomeSing(..), ToSing(..), SomeNat, SomeSymbol

    -- * Working with singletons
  , withSing, singThat

    -- * Functions on type nats
  , type (<=), type (<=?), type (+), type (*), type (^)
  , type (-)

    -- * Comparing for equality
  , type (:~:) (..), eqSingNat, eqSingSym

    -- * Destructing type-nat singletons.
  , isZero, IsZero(..)

-- Commented out; see definition below; SLPJ Jan 13
--  , isEven, IsEven(..)

    -- * Matching on type-nats
  , Nat1(..), FromNat1

    -- * Kind parameters
  , KindIs(..), Demote, DemoteRep
  , KindOf
  ) where

import GHC.Base(Eq((==)), Ord((>=)), Bool(..), ($), otherwise, (.){-, seq)-})
import GHC.Num(Integer, (-))
import GHC.Base(String)
import GHC.Read(Read(..))
import GHC.Show(Show(..))
import GHC.Prim(magicSingI)
import Unsafe.Coerce(unsafeCoerce)
-- import Data.Bits(testBit,shiftR)
import Data.Maybe(Maybe(..))
import Data.List((++))

-- | (Kind) A kind useful for passing kinds as parameters.
data KindIs (a :: *) = KindParam

{- | A shortcut for naming the kind parameter corresponding to the
kind of a some type.  For example, @KindOf Int ~ (KindParam :: KindIs *)@,
but @KindOf 2 ~ (KindParam :: KindIs Nat)@. -}
type KindOf (a :: k) = (KindParam :: KindIs k)

-- | (Kind) This is the kind of type-level natural numbers.
data Nat

-- | (Kind) This is the kind of type-level symbols.
data Symbol

data family Sing (n :: k)

newtype instance Sing (n :: Nat)    = SNat Integer

newtype instance Sing (n :: Symbol) = SSym String


-- | The class 'SingI' provides a \"smart\" constructor for singleton types.
-- There are built-in instances for the singleton types corresponding
-- to type literals.

class SingI a where

  -- | The only value of type @Sing a@
  sing :: Sing a

-- | A convenience function to create a singleton value, when
-- we have a proxy argument in scope.
singByProxy :: SingI n => proxy n -> Sing n
singByProxy _ = sing

-- | Comparison of type-level naturals.
class (m <=? n) ~ True => (m :: Nat) <= (n :: Nat)
instance ((m <=? n) ~ True) => m <= n

type family (m :: Nat) <=? (n :: Nat) :: Bool

-- | Addition of type-level naturals.
type family (m :: Nat) + (n :: Nat) :: Nat

-- | Multiplication of type-level naturals.
type family (m :: Nat) * (n :: Nat) :: Nat

-- | Exponentiation of type-level naturals.
type family (m :: Nat) ^ (n :: Nat) :: Nat

-- | Subtraction of type-level naturals.
-- Note that this operation is unspecified for some inputs.
type family (m :: Nat) - (n :: Nat) :: Nat


{- | A class that converts singletons of a given kind into values of some
representation type (i.e., we "forget" the extra information carried
by the singletons, and convert them to ordinary values).

Note that 'fromSing' is overloaded based on the /kind/ of the values
and not their type---all types of a given kind are processed by the
same instances.

class (kparam ~ KindParam) => SingE (kparam :: KindIs k) where
  type DemoteRep kparam :: *
  fromSing :: Sing (a :: k) -> DemoteRep kparam

instance SingE (KindParam :: KindIs Nat) where
  type DemoteRep (KindParam :: KindIs Nat) = Integer
  fromSing (SNat n) = n

instance SingE (KindParam :: KindIs Symbol) where
  type DemoteRep (KindParam :: KindIs Symbol) = String
  fromSing (SSym s) = s

{- | A convenient name for the type used to representing the values
for a particular singleton family.  For example, @Demote 2 ~ Integer@,
and also @Demote 3 ~ Integer@, but @Demote "Hello" ~ String@. -}
type Demote a = DemoteRep (KindOf a)

{- | A convenience class, useful when we need to both introduce and eliminate
a given singleton value. Users should never need to define instances of
this classes. -}
class    (SingI a, SingE (KindOf a)) => SingRep (a :: k)
instance (SingI a, SingE (KindOf a)) => SingRep (a :: k)

-- The type of an unknown singletons of a given kind.
-- Note that the "type" parameter on this type is really
-- a *kind* parameter (this is similar to the trick used in `SingE`).
data SomeSing :: KindIs k -> * where
  SomeSing :: SingI (n::k) => proxy n -> SomeSing (kp :: KindIs k)

-- | A definition of natural numbers in terms of singletons.
type SomeNat    = SomeSing (KindParam :: KindIs Nat)

-- | A definition of strings in terms of singletons.
type SomeSymbol = SomeSing (KindParam :: KindIs Symbol)

-- | The class of function that can promote a representation value
-- into a singleton.  Like `SingE`, this class overloads based
-- on a *kind*.
-- The method returns `Maybe` because sometimes
-- the representation type contains more values than are supported
-- by the singletons.
class (kp ~ KindParam) => ToSing (kp :: KindIs k) where
  toSing :: DemoteRep kp -> Maybe (SomeSing kp)

instance ToSing (KindParam :: KindIs Nat) where
  toSing n
    | n >= 0        = Just (incoherentForgetSing (SNat n))
    | otherwise     = Nothing

instance ToSing (KindParam :: KindIs Symbol) where
  toSing n          = Just (incoherentForgetSing (SSym n))

WARNING: This function has the scary name because,
in general, it could lead to incoherent behavior of the `sing` method.

The reason is that it converts the provided `Sing n` value,
into the the evidence for the `SingI` class hidden in `SomeSing`.

Now, for proper singleton types this should not happen,
because if there is only one value of type `Sing n`,
then the parameter must be the same as the value of `sing`.
However, we have no guarantees about the definition of `Sing a`,
or, indeed, the instance of `Sing`.

We use the function in the instances for `ToSing` for
kind `Nat` and `Symbol`, where the use is guaranteed to be safe.

NOTE: The implementation is a bit of a hack at present,
hence all the very special annotation.
incoherentForgetSing :: forall (n :: k) (kp :: KindIs k). Sing n -> SomeSing kp
incoherentForgetSing x = withSingI x it LocalProxy
  it :: SingI n => LocalProxy n -> SomeSing kp
  it = SomeSing

{-# NOINLINE withSingI #-}
withSingI :: Sing n -> (SingI n => a) -> a
withSingI x = magicSingI x ((\f -> f) :: () -> ())

data LocalProxy n = LocalProxy

{- | A convenience function useful when we need to name a singleton value
multiple times.  Without this function, each use of 'sing' could potentially
refer to a different singleton, and one has to use type signatures to
ensure that they are the same. -}

withSing :: SingI a => (Sing a -> b) -> b
withSing f = f sing

{- | A convenience function that names a singleton satisfying a certain
property.  If the singleton does not satisfy the property, then the function
returns 'Nothing'. The property is expressed in terms of the underlying
representation of the singleton. -}

singThat :: SingRep a => (Demote a -> Bool) -> Maybe (Sing a)
singThat p = withSing $ \x -> if p (fromSing x) then Just x else Nothing

instance (SingE (KindOf a), Show (Demote a)) => Show (Sing a) where
  showsPrec p = showsPrec p . fromSing

instance (SingRep a, Read (Demote a), Eq (Demote a)) => Read (Sing a) where
  readsPrec p cs = do (x,ys) <- readsPrec p cs
                      case singThat (== x) of
                        Just y  -> [(y,ys)]
                        Nothing -> []

data IsZero :: Nat -> * where
  IsZero :: IsZero 0
  IsSucc :: !(Sing n) -> IsZero (n + 1)

isZero :: Sing n -> IsZero n
isZero (SNat n) | n == 0    = unsafeCoerce IsZero
                | otherwise = unsafeCoerce (IsSucc (SNat (n-1)))

instance Show (IsZero n) where
  show IsZero     = "0"
  show (IsSucc n) = "(" ++ show n ++ " + 1)"

{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

This IsEven code is commented out for now.  The trouble is that the 
IsEven constructor has an ambiguous type, at least until (+) becomes
suitably injective. 

data IsEven :: Nat -> * where
  IsEvenZero :: IsEven 0
  IsEven     :: !(Sing (n+1)) -> IsEven (2 * n + 2)
  IsEven     :: !(Sing (n)) -> IsEven (2 * n + 1)
  IsOdd      :: !(Sing n)     -> IsEven (2 * n + 1)

isEven :: Sing n -> IsEven n
isEven (SNat n) | n == 0      = unsafeCoerce IsEvenZero
                | testBit n 0 = unsafeCoerce (IsOdd  (SNat (n `shiftR` 1)))
                | otherwise   = unsafeCoerce (IsEven (SNat (n `shiftR` 1)))

instance Show (IsEven n) where
  show IsEvenZero = "0"
  show (IsEven x) = "(2 * " ++ show x ++ ")"
  show (IsOdd  x) = "(2 * " ++ show x ++ " + 1)"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -}

-- | Unary implementation of natural numbers.
-- Used both at the type and at the value level.
data Nat1 = Zero | Succ Nat1

type family FromNat1 (n :: Nat1) :: Nat
type instance FromNat1 Zero     = 0
type instance FromNat1 (Succ n) = 1 + FromNat1 n


-- | A type that provides evidence for equality between two types.
data (:~:) :: k -> k -> * where
  Refl :: a :~: a

instance Show (a :~: b) where
  show Refl = "Refl"

{- | Check if two type-natural singletons of potentially different types
are indeed the same, by comparing their runtime representations.

eqSingNat :: Sing (m :: Nat) -> Sing (n :: Nat) -> Maybe (m :~: n)
eqSingNat x y
  | fromSing x == fromSing y  = Just (unsafeCoerce Refl)
  | otherwise                 = Nothing

{- | Check if two symbol singletons of potentially different types
are indeed the same, by comparing their runtime representations.

eqSingSym:: Sing (m :: Symbol) -> Sing (n :: Symbol) -> Maybe (m :~: n)
eqSingSym x y
  | fromSing x == fromSing y  = Just (unsafeCoerce Refl)
  | otherwise                 = Nothing