% % (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 2000 % FunDeps - functional dependencies It's better to read it as: "if we know these, then we're going to know these" \begin{code}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
-- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
-- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
-- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--     http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#TabsvsSpaces
-- for details

module FunDeps (
        FDEq (..),
 	Equation(..), pprEquation,
	improveFromInstEnv, improveFromAnother,
	checkInstCoverage, checkInstLiberalCoverage, checkFunDeps,
	growThetaTyVars, pprFundeps
    ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import Name
import Var
import Class
import Type
import Unify
import InstEnv
import VarSet
import VarEnv
import Outputable
import Util
import FastString

import Data.List	( nubBy )
import Data.Maybe	( isJust )
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Close type variables} %* * %************************************************************************ oclose(vs,C) The result of extending the set of tyvars vs using the functional dependencies from C growThetaTyVars(C,vs) The result of extend the set of tyvars vs using all conceivable links from C. E.g. vs = {a}, C = {H [a] b, K (b,Int) c, Eq e} Then grow(vs,C) = {a,b,c} Note that grow(vs,C) `superset` grow(vs,simplify(C)) That is, simplfication can only shrink the result of grow. Notice that oclose is conservative v `elem` oclose(vs,C) one way: => v is definitely fixed by vs growThetaTyVars is conservative if v might be fixed by vs the other way: => v `elem` grow(vs,C) ---------------------------------------------------------- (oclose preds tvs) closes the set of type variables tvs, wrt functional dependencies in preds. The result is a superset of the argument set. For example, if we have class C a b | a->b where ... then oclose [C (x,y) z, C (x,p) q] {x,y} = {x,y,z} because if we know x and y then that fixes z. We also use equality predicates in the predicates; if we have an assumption `t1 ~ t2`, then we use the fact that if we know `t1` we also know `t2` and the other way. eg oclose [C (x,y) z, a ~ x] {a,y} = {a,y,z,x} oclose is used (only) when checking functional dependencies \begin{code}
oclose :: [PredType] -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
oclose preds fixed_tvs
  | null tv_fds = fixed_tvs -- Fast escape hatch for common case.
  | otherwise   = loop fixed_tvs
    loop fixed_tvs
      | new_fixed_tvs `subVarSet` fixed_tvs = fixed_tvs
      | otherwise                           = loop new_fixed_tvs
      where new_fixed_tvs = foldl extend fixed_tvs tv_fds

    extend fixed_tvs (ls,rs)
        | ls `subVarSet` fixed_tvs = fixed_tvs `unionVarSet` rs
        | otherwise                = fixed_tvs

    tv_fds  :: [(TyVarSet,TyVarSet)]
    tv_fds  = [ (tyVarsOfTypes xs, tyVarsOfTypes ys)
              | (xs, ys) <- concatMap determined preds

    determined :: PredType -> [([Type],[Type])]
    determined pred
       = case classifyPredType pred of
            ClassPred cls tys ->
               do let (cls_tvs, cls_fds) = classTvsFds cls
                  fd <- cls_fds
                  return (instFD fd cls_tvs tys)
            EqPred t1 t2      -> [([t1],[t2]), ([t2],[t1])]
            TuplePred ts      -> concatMap determined ts
            _                 -> []

\end{code} Note [Growing the tau-tvs using constraints] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (growThetaTyVars insts tvs) is the result of extending the set of tyvars tvs using all conceivable links from pred E.g. tvs = {a}, preds = {H [a] b, K (b,Int) c, Eq e} Then growThetaTyVars preds tvs = {a,b,c} \begin{code}
growThetaTyVars :: ThetaType -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
-- See Note [Growing the tau-tvs using constraints]
growThetaTyVars theta tvs
  | null theta = tvs
  | otherwise  = fixVarSet mk_next tvs
    mk_next tvs = foldr grow_one tvs theta
    grow_one pred tvs = growPredTyVars pred tvs `unionVarSet` tvs

growPredTyVars :: PredType
               -> TyVarSet	-- The set to extend
	       -> TyVarSet	-- TyVars of the predicate if it intersects the set, 
growPredTyVars pred tvs 
   | isIPPred pred                   = pred_tvs   -- Always quantify over implicit parameers
   | pred_tvs `intersectsVarSet` tvs = pred_tvs
   | otherwise                       = emptyVarSet
    pred_tvs = tyVarsOfType pred
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Generate equations from functional dependencies} %* * %************************************************************************ Each functional dependency with one variable in the RHS is responsible for generating a single equality. For instance: class C a b | a -> b The constraints ([Wanted] C Int Bool) and [Wanted] C Int alpha FDEq { fd_pos = 1 , fd_ty_left = Bool , fd_ty_right = alpha } However notice that a functional dependency may have more than one variable in the RHS which will create more than one FDEq. Example: class C a b c | a -> b c [Wanted] C Int alpha alpha [Wanted] C Int Bool beta Will generate: fd1 = FDEq { fd_pos = 1, fd_ty_left = alpha, fd_ty_right = Bool } and fd2 = FDEq { fd_pos = 2, fd_ty_left = alpha, fd_ty_right = beta } We record the paremeter position so that can immediately rewrite a constraint using the produced FDEqs and remove it from our worklist. INVARIANT: Corresponding types aren't already equal That is, there exists at least one non-identity equality in FDEqs. Assume: class C a b c | a -> b c instance C Int x x And: [Wanted] C Int Bool alpha We will /match/ the LHS of fundep equations, producing a matching substitution and create equations for the RHS sides. In our last example we'd have generated: ({x}, [fd1,fd2]) where fd1 = FDEq 1 Bool x fd2 = FDEq 2 alpha x To ``execute'' the equation, make fresh type variable for each tyvar in the set, instantiate the two types with these fresh variables, and then unify or generate a new constraint. In the above example we would generate a new unification variable 'beta' for x and produce the following constraints: [Wanted] (Bool ~ beta) [Wanted] (alpha ~ beta) Notice the subtle difference between the above class declaration and: class C a b c | a -> b, a -> c where we would generate: ({x},[fd1]),({x},[fd2]) This means that the template variable would be instantiated to different unification variables when producing the FD constraints. Finally, the position parameters will help us rewrite the wanted constraint ``on the spot'' \begin{code}
type Pred_Loc = (PredType, SDoc)	-- SDoc says where the Pred comes from

data Equation 
   = FDEqn { fd_qtvs :: [TyVar]   		-- Instantiate these type and kind vars to fresh unification vars
           , fd_eqs  :: [FDEq]			--   and then make these equal
           , fd_pred1, fd_pred2 :: Pred_Loc }	-- The Equation arose from
	     	       		   	    	-- combining these two constraints

data FDEq = FDEq { fd_pos      :: Int -- We use '0' for the first position
                 , fd_ty_left  :: Type
                 , fd_ty_right :: Type }

instance Outputable FDEq where
  ppr (FDEq { fd_pos = p, fd_ty_left = tyl, fd_ty_right = tyr })
    = parens (int p <> comma <+> ppr tyl <> comma <+> ppr tyr)
\end{code} Given a bunch of predicates that must hold, such as C Int t1, C Int t2, C Bool t3, ?x::t4, ?x::t5 improve figures out what extra equations must hold. For example, if we have class C a b | a->b where ... then improve will return [(t1,t2), (t4,t5)] NOTA BENE: * improve does not iterate. It's possible that when we make t1=t2, for example, that will in turn trigger a new equation. This would happen if we also had C t1 t7, C t2 t8 If t1=t2, we also get t7=t8. improve does *not* do this extra step. It relies on the caller doing so. * The equations unify types that are not already equal. So there is no effect iff the result of improve is empty \begin{code}
instFD_WithPos :: FunDep TyVar -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> ([Type], [(Int,Type)]) 
-- Returns a FunDep between the types accompanied along with their 
-- position (<=0) in the types argument list.
instFD_WithPos (ls,rs) tvs tys
  = (map (snd . lookup) ls, map lookup rs)
    ind_tys   = zip [0..] tys 
    env       = zipVarEnv tvs ind_tys
    lookup tv = lookupVarEnv_NF env tv

zipAndComputeFDEqs :: (Type -> Type -> Bool) -- Discard this FDEq if true
                   -> [Type] 
                   -> [(Int,Type)] 
                   -> [FDEq]
-- Create a list of FDEqs from two lists of types, making sure
-- that the types are not equal.
zipAndComputeFDEqs discard (ty1:tys1) ((i2,ty2):tys2)
 | discard ty1 ty2 = zipAndComputeFDEqs discard tys1 tys2
 | otherwise = FDEq { fd_pos      = i2
                    , fd_ty_left  = ty1
                    , fd_ty_right = ty2 } : zipAndComputeFDEqs discard tys1 tys2
zipAndComputeFDEqs _ _ _ = [] 

-- Improve a class constraint from another class constraint
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
improveFromAnother :: Pred_Loc -- Template item (usually given, or inert) 
                   -> Pred_Loc -- Workitem [that can be improved]
                   -> [Equation]
-- Post: FDEqs always oriented from the other to the workitem 
--       Equations have empty quantified variables 
improveFromAnother pred1@(ty1, _) pred2@(ty2, _)
  | Just (cls1, tys1) <- getClassPredTys_maybe ty1
  , Just (cls2, tys2) <- getClassPredTys_maybe ty2
  , tys1 `lengthAtLeast` 2 && cls1 == cls2
  = [ FDEqn { fd_qtvs = [], fd_eqs = eqs, fd_pred1 = pred1, fd_pred2 = pred2 }
    | let (cls_tvs, cls_fds) = classTvsFds cls1
    , fd <- cls_fds
    , let (ltys1, rs1)  = instFD         fd cls_tvs tys1
          (ltys2, irs2) = instFD_WithPos fd cls_tvs tys2
    , eqTypes ltys1 ltys2		-- The LHSs match
    , let eqs = zipAndComputeFDEqs eqType rs1 irs2
    , not (null eqs) ]

improveFromAnother _ _ = []

-- Improve a class constraint from instance declarations
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

pprEquation :: Equation -> SDoc
pprEquation (FDEqn { fd_qtvs = qtvs, fd_eqs = pairs }) 
  = vcat [ptext (sLit "forall") <+> braces (pprWithCommas ppr qtvs),
	  nest 2 (vcat [ ppr t1 <+> ptext (sLit "~") <+> ppr t2 | (FDEq _ t1 t2) <- pairs])]

improveFromInstEnv :: (InstEnv,InstEnv)
                   -> Pred_Loc
                   -> [Equation] -- Needs to be an Equation because
                                 -- of quantified variables
-- Post: Equations oriented from the template (matching instance) to the workitem!
improveFromInstEnv _inst_env (pred,_loc)
  | not (isClassPred pred)
  = panic "improveFromInstEnv: not a class predicate"
improveFromInstEnv inst_env pred@(ty, _)
  | Just (cls, tys) <- getClassPredTys_maybe ty
  , tys `lengthAtLeast` 2
  , let (cls_tvs, cls_fds) = classTvsFds cls
        instances          = classInstances inst_env cls
        rough_tcs          = roughMatchTcs tys
  = [ FDEqn { fd_qtvs = meta_tvs, fd_eqs = eqs, fd_pred1 = p_inst, fd_pred2=pred }
    | fd <- cls_fds		-- Iterate through the fundeps first,
				-- because there often are none!
    , let trimmed_tcs = trimRoughMatchTcs cls_tvs fd rough_tcs
		-- Trim the rough_tcs based on the head of the fundep.
		-- Remember that instanceCantMatch treats both argumnents
		-- symmetrically, so it's ok to trim the rough_tcs,
		-- rather than trimming each inst_tcs in turn
    , ispec <- instances
    , (meta_tvs, eqs) <- checkClsFD fd cls_tvs ispec 
                                    emptyVarSet tys trimmed_tcs -- NB: orientation
    , let p_inst = (mkClassPred cls (is_tys ispec),
		    sep [ ptext (sLit "arising from the dependency") <+> quotes (pprFunDep fd)	
		        , ptext (sLit "in the instance declaration")
			  <+> pprNameDefnLoc (getName ispec)])
improveFromInstEnv _ _ = []

checkClsFD :: FunDep TyVar -> [TyVar] 	          -- One functional dependency from the class
           -> ClsInst                             -- An instance template
           -> TyVarSet -> [Type] -> [Maybe Name]  -- Arguments of this (C tys) predicate
                                                  -- TyVarSet are extra tyvars that can be instantiated
	   -> [([TyVar], [FDEq])]

checkClsFD fd clas_tvs 
           (ClsInst { is_tvs = qtvs, is_tys = tys_inst, is_tcs = rough_tcs_inst })
           extra_qtvs tys_actual rough_tcs_actual

-- 'qtvs' are the quantified type variables, the ones which an be instantiated 
-- to make the types match.  For example, given
--	class C a b | a->b where ...
--	instance C (Maybe x) (Tree x) where ..
-- and an Inst of form (C (Maybe t1) t2), 
-- then we will call checkClsFD with
--	is_qtvs = {x}, is_tys = [Maybe x,  Tree x]
--		       tys_actual = [Maybe t1, t2]
-- We can instantiate x to t1, and then we want to force
-- 	(Tree x) [t1/x]  ~   t2
-- This function is also used when matching two Insts (rather than an Inst
-- against an instance decl. In that case, qtvs is empty, and we are doing
-- an equality check
-- This function is also used by InstEnv.badFunDeps, which needs to *unify*
-- For the one-sided matching case, the qtvs are just from the template,
-- so we get matching

  | instanceCantMatch rough_tcs_inst rough_tcs_actual
  = []		-- Filter out ones that can't possibly match, 

  | otherwise
  = ASSERT2( length tys_inst == length tys_actual     && 
	     length tys_inst == length clas_tvs 
	    , ppr tys_inst <+> ppr tys_actual )

    case tcUnifyTys bind_fn ltys1 ltys2 of
	Nothing  -> []
	Just subst | isJust (tcUnifyTys bind_fn rtys1' rtys2')
			-- Don't include any equations that already hold.
			-- Reason: then we know if any actual improvement has happened,
			-- 	   in which case we need to iterate the solver
			-- In making this check we must taking account of the fact that any
			-- qtvs that aren't already instantiated can be instantiated to anything
			-- at all
                        -- NB: We can't do this 'is-useful-equation' check element-wise 
                        --     because of:
                        --           class C a b c | a -> b c
                        --           instance C Int x x
                        --           [Wanted] C Int alpha Int
                        -- We would get that  x -> alpha  (isJust) and x -> Int (isJust)
                        -- so we would produce no FDs, which is clearly wrong. 
                  -> [] 

                  | null fdeqs
                  -> []

                  | otherwise
                  -> [(meta_tvs, fdeqs)]
		  	-- We could avoid this substTy stuff by producing the eqn
		  	-- (qtvs, ls1++rs1, ls2++rs2)
		  	-- which will re-do the ls1/ls2 unification when the equation is
		  	-- executed.  What we're doing instead is recording the partial
		  	-- work of the ls1/ls2 unification leaving a smaller unification problem
                    rtys1' = map (substTy subst) rtys1
                    irs2'  = map (\(i,x) -> (i,substTy subst x)) irs2
                    rtys2' = map snd irs2'
                    fdeqs = zipAndComputeFDEqs (\_ _ -> False) rtys1' irs2'
                        -- Don't discard anything! 
                        -- We could discard equal types but it's an overkill to call 
                        -- eqType again, since we know for sure that /at least one/ 
                        -- equation in there is useful)

		    meta_tvs = [ setVarType tv (substTy subst (varType tv))
                               | tv <- qtvs, tv `notElemTvSubst` subst ]
		        -- meta_tvs are the quantified type variables
		        -- that have not been substituted out
		        -- Eg. 	class C a b | a -> b
		        --	instance C Int [y]
		        -- Given constraint C Int z
		        -- we generate the equation
		        --	({y}, [y], z)
                        -- But note (a) we get them from the dfun_id, so they are *in order*
                        --              because the kind variables may be mentioned in the
                        --              type variabes' kinds
                        --          (b) we must apply 'subst' to the kinds, in case we have
                        --              matched out a kind variable, but not a type variable
                        --              whose kind mentions that kind variable!
                        --          Trac #6015, #6068
    qtv_set = mkVarSet qtvs
    bind_fn tv | tv `elemVarSet` qtv_set    = BindMe
               | tv `elemVarSet` extra_qtvs = BindMe
	       | otherwise	            = Skolem

    (ltys1, rtys1) = instFD         fd clas_tvs tys_inst
    (ltys2, irs2)  = instFD_WithPos fd clas_tvs tys_actual
\end{code} \begin{code}
instFD :: FunDep TyVar -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> FunDep Type
-- A simpler version of instFD_WithPos to be used in checking instance coverage etc.
instFD (ls,rs) tvs tys
  = (map lookup ls, map lookup rs)
    env       = zipVarEnv tvs tys
    lookup tv = lookupVarEnv_NF env tv

checkInstCoverage :: Class -> [Type] -> Bool
-- Check that the Coverage Condition is obeyed in an instance decl
-- For example, if we have 
--	class theta => C a b | a -> b
-- 	instance C t1 t2 
-- Then we require fv(t2) `subset` fv(t1)
-- See Note [Coverage Condition] below

checkInstCoverage clas inst_taus
  = all fundep_ok fds
    (tyvars, fds) = classTvsFds clas
    fundep_ok fd  = tyVarsOfTypes rs `subVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes ls
		   (ls,rs) = instFD fd tyvars inst_taus

checkInstLiberalCoverage :: Class -> [PredType] -> [Type] -> Bool
-- Check that the Liberal Coverage Condition is obeyed in an instance decl
-- For example, if we have:
--    class C a b | a -> b
--    instance theta => C t1 t2
-- Then we require fv(t2) `subset` oclose(fv(t1), theta)
-- This ensures the self-consistency of the instance, but
-- it does not guarantee termination.
-- See Note [Coverage Condition] below

checkInstLiberalCoverage clas theta inst_taus
  = all fundep_ok fds
    (tyvars, fds) = classTvsFds clas
    fundep_ok fd = tyVarsOfTypes rs `subVarSet` oclose theta (tyVarsOfTypes ls)
                    where (ls,rs) = instFD fd tyvars inst_taus
\end{code} Note [Coverage condition] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the coverage condition, we used to require only that fv(t2) `subset` oclose(fv(t1), theta) Example: class Mul a b c | a b -> c where (.*.) :: a -> b -> c instance Mul Int Int Int where (.*.) = (*) instance Mul Int Float Float where x .*. y = fromIntegral x * y instance Mul a b c => Mul a [b] [c] where x .*. v = map (x.*.) v In the third instance, it's not the case that fv([c]) `subset` fv(a,[b]). But it is the case that fv([c]) `subset` oclose( theta, fv(a,[b]) ) But it is a mistake to accept the instance because then this defn: f = \ b x y -> if b then x .*. [y] else y makes instance inference go into a loop, because it requires the constraint Mul a [b] b %************************************************************************ %* * Check that a new instance decl is OK wrt fundeps %* * %************************************************************************ Here is the bad case: class C a b | a->b where ... instance C Int Bool where ... instance C Int Char where ... The point is that a->b, so Int in the first parameter must uniquely determine the second. In general, given the same class decl, and given instance C s1 s2 where ... instance C t1 t2 where ... Then the criterion is: if U=unify(s1,t1) then U(s2) = U(t2). Matters are a little more complicated if there are free variables in the s2/t2. class D a b c | a -> b instance D a b => D [(a,a)] [b] Int instance D a b => D [a] [b] Bool The instance decls don't overlap, because the third parameter keeps them separate. But we want to make sure that given any constraint D s1 s2 s3 if s1 matches \begin{code}
checkFunDeps :: (InstEnv, InstEnv) -> ClsInst
	     -> Maybe [ClsInst]	-- Nothing  <=> ok
					-- Just dfs <=> conflict with dfs
-- Check wheher adding DFunId would break functional-dependency constraints
-- Used only for instance decls defined in the module being compiled
checkFunDeps inst_envs ispec
  | null bad_fundeps = Nothing
  | otherwise	     = Just bad_fundeps
    (ins_tvs, clas, ins_tys) = instanceHead ispec
    ins_tv_set   = mkVarSet ins_tvs
    cls_inst_env = classInstances inst_envs clas
    bad_fundeps  = badFunDeps cls_inst_env clas ins_tv_set ins_tys

badFunDeps :: [ClsInst] -> Class
	   -> TyVarSet -> [Type]	-- Proposed new instance type
	   -> [ClsInst]
badFunDeps cls_insts clas ins_tv_set ins_tys 
  = nubBy eq_inst $
    [ ispec | fd <- fds,	-- fds is often empty, so do this first!
	      let trimmed_tcs = trimRoughMatchTcs clas_tvs fd rough_tcs,
	      ispec <- cls_insts,
	      notNull (checkClsFD fd clas_tvs ispec ins_tv_set ins_tys trimmed_tcs)
    (clas_tvs, fds) = classTvsFds clas
    rough_tcs = roughMatchTcs ins_tys
    eq_inst i1 i2 = instanceDFunId i1 == instanceDFunId i2
	-- An single instance may appear twice in the un-nubbed conflict list
	-- because it may conflict with more than one fundep.  E.g.
	--	class C a b c | a -> b, a -> c
	--	instance C Int Bool Bool
	--	instance C Int Char Char
	-- The second instance conflicts with the first by *both* fundeps

trimRoughMatchTcs :: [TyVar] -> FunDep TyVar -> [Maybe Name] -> [Maybe Name]
-- Computing rough_tcs for a particular fundep
--     class C a b c | a -> b where ...
-- For each instance .... => C ta tb tc
-- we want to match only on the type ta; so our
-- rough-match thing must similarly be filtered.  
-- Hence, we Nothing-ise the tb and tc types right here
trimRoughMatchTcs clas_tvs (ltvs, _) mb_tcs
  = zipWith select clas_tvs mb_tcs
    select clas_tv mb_tc | clas_tv `elem` ltvs = mb_tc
                         | otherwise           = Nothing