{-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}
-- Norman likes local bindings
-- If this module lives on I'd like to get rid of this extension in due course

module CmmPipeline (
  -- | Converts C-- with an implicit stack and native C-- calls into
  -- optimized, CPS converted and native-call-less C--.  The latter
  -- C-- can be used to generate assembly.
) where

import Cmm
import CmmLint
import CmmBuildInfoTables
import CmmCommonBlockElim
import CmmProcPoint
import CmmContFlowOpt
import CmmLayoutStack
import CmmSink
import Hoopl

import UniqSupply
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
import HscTypes
import Control.Monad
import Outputable
import Platform

-- | Top level driver for C-- pipeline

cmmPipeline  :: HscEnv -- Compilation env including
                       -- dynamic flags: -dcmm-lint -ddump-cps-cmm
             -> TopSRT     -- SRT table and accumulating list of compiled procs
             -> CmmGroup             -- Input C-- with Procedures
             -> IO (TopSRT, CmmGroup) -- Output CPS transformed C--

cmmPipeline hsc_env topSRT prog =
  do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env

     showPass dflags "CPSZ"

     tops <- {-# SCC "tops" #-} mapM (cpsTop hsc_env) prog

     (topSRT, cmms) <- {-# SCC "doSRTs" #-} doSRTs dflags topSRT tops
     dumpWith dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm_cps "Post CPS Cmm" cmms

     return (topSRT, cmms)

cpsTop :: HscEnv -> CmmDecl -> IO (CAFEnv, [CmmDecl])
cpsTop _ p@(CmmData {}) = return (mapEmpty, [p])
cpsTop hsc_env proc =
       ----------- Control-flow optimisations ----------------------------------

       -- The first round of control-flow optimisation speeds up the
       -- later passes by removing lots of empty blocks, so we do it
       -- even when optimisation isn't turned on.
       CmmProc h l v g <- {-# SCC "cmmCfgOpts(1)" #-}
            return $ cmmCfgOptsProc splitting_proc_points proc
       dump Opt_D_dump_cmm_cfg "Post control-flow optimisations" g

       let !TopInfo {stack_info=StackInfo { arg_space = entry_off
                                          , do_layout = do_layout }} = h

       ----------- Eliminate common blocks -------------------------------------
       g <- {-# SCC "elimCommonBlocks" #-}
            condPass Opt_CmmElimCommonBlocks elimCommonBlocks g
                          Opt_D_dump_cmm_cbe "Post common block elimination"

       -- Any work storing block Labels must be performed _after_
       -- elimCommonBlocks

       ----------- Proc points -------------------------------------------------
       let call_pps = {-# SCC "callProcPoints" #-} callProcPoints g
       proc_points <-
          if splitting_proc_points
             then {-# SCC "minimalProcPointSet" #-} runUniqSM $
                  minimalProcPointSet (targetPlatform dflags) call_pps g
                  return call_pps

       let noncall_pps = proc_points `setDifference` call_pps
       when (not (setNull noncall_pps) && dopt Opt_D_dump_cmm dflags) $
         pprTrace "Non-call proc points: " (ppr noncall_pps) $ return ()

       ----------- Sink and inline assignments *before* stack layout -----------
       {-  Maybe enable this later
       g <- {-# SCC "sink1" #-}
            condPass Opt_CmmSink (cmmSink dflags) g
                     Opt_D_dump_cmm_rewrite "Sink assignments (1)"

       ----------- Layout the stack and manifest Sp ----------------------------
       (g, stackmaps) <-
            {-# SCC "layoutStack" #-}
            if do_layout
               then runUniqSM $ cmmLayoutStack dflags proc_points entry_off g
               else return (g, mapEmpty)
       dump Opt_D_dump_cmm_sp "Layout Stack" g

       ----------- Sink and inline assignments *after* stack layout ------------
       g <- {-# SCC "sink2" #-}
            condPass Opt_CmmSink (cmmSink dflags) g
                     Opt_D_dump_cmm_rewrite "Sink assignments (2)"

       ------------- CAF analysis ----------------------------------------------
       let cafEnv = {-# SCC "cafAnal" #-} cafAnal g
       dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm "CAFEnv" (ppr cafEnv)

       if splitting_proc_points
          then do
            ------------- Split into separate procedures -----------------------
            pp_map  <- {-# SCC "procPointAnalysis" #-} runUniqSM $
                             procPointAnalysis proc_points g
            dumpWith dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm_procmap "procpoint map" pp_map
            gs <- {-# SCC "splitAtProcPoints" #-} runUniqSM $
                  splitAtProcPoints dflags l call_pps proc_points pp_map
                                    (CmmProc h l v g)
            dumps Opt_D_dump_cmm_split "Post splitting" gs
            ------------- Populate info tables with stack info -----------------
            gs <- {-# SCC "setInfoTableStackMap" #-}
                  return $ map (setInfoTableStackMap dflags stackmaps) gs
            dumps Opt_D_dump_cmm_info "after setInfoTableStackMap" gs
            ----------- Control-flow optimisations -----------------------------
            gs <- {-# SCC "cmmCfgOpts(2)" #-}
                  return $ if optLevel dflags >= 1
                             then map (cmmCfgOptsProc splitting_proc_points) gs
                             else gs
            gs <- return (map removeUnreachableBlocksProc gs)
                -- Note [unreachable blocks]
            dumps Opt_D_dump_cmm_cfg "Post control-flow optimisations" gs

            return (cafEnv, gs)

          else do
            -- attach info tables to return points
            g <- return $ attachContInfoTables call_pps (CmmProc h l v g)

            ------------- Populate info tables with stack info -----------------
            g <- {-# SCC "setInfoTableStackMap" #-}
                  return $ setInfoTableStackMap dflags stackmaps g
            dump' Opt_D_dump_cmm_info "after setInfoTableStackMap" g
            ----------- Control-flow optimisations -----------------------------
            g <- {-# SCC "cmmCfgOpts(2)" #-}
                 return $ if optLevel dflags >= 1
                             then cmmCfgOptsProc splitting_proc_points g
                             else g
            g <- return (removeUnreachableBlocksProc g)
                -- Note [unreachable blocks]
            dump' Opt_D_dump_cmm_cfg "Post control-flow optimisations" g

            return (cafEnv, [g])

  where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
        platform = targetPlatform dflags
        dump = dumpGraph dflags
        dump' = dumpWith dflags

        dumps flag name
           = mapM_ (dumpWith dflags flag name)

        condPass flag pass g dumpflag dumpname =
            if gopt flag dflags
               then do
                    g <- return $ pass g
                    dump dumpflag dumpname g
                    return g
               else return g

        -- we don't need to split proc points for the NCG, unless
        -- tablesNextToCode is off.  The latter is because we have no
        -- label to put on info tables for basic blocks that are not
        -- the entry point.
        splitting_proc_points = hscTarget dflags /= HscAsm
                             || not (tablesNextToCode dflags)
                             || -- Note [inconsistent-pic-reg]
           = case (platformArch platform, platformOS platform, gopt Opt_PIC dflags)
             of   (ArchX86, OSDarwin, pic) -> pic
                  (ArchPPC, OSDarwin, pic) -> pic
                  _                        -> False

{- Note [inconsistent-pic-reg]

On x86/Darwin, PIC is implemented by inserting a sequence like

    call 1f
 1: popl %reg

at the proc entry point, and then referring to labels as offsets from
%reg.  If we don't split proc points, then we could have many entry
points in a proc that would need this sequence, and each entry point
would then get a different value for %reg.  If there are any join
points, then at the join point we don't have a consistent value for
%reg, so we don't know how to refer to labels.

Hence, on x86/Darwin, we have to split proc points, and then each proc
point will get its own PIC initialisation sequence.

The situation is the same for ppc/Darwin. We use essentially the same
sequence to load the program counter onto reg:

    bcl  20,31,1f
 1: mflr reg

This isn't an issue on x86/ELF, where the sequence is

    call 1f
 1: popl %reg
    addl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+(.-1b), %reg

so %reg always has a consistent value: the address of
_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_, regardless of which entry point we arrived via.


{- Note [unreachable blocks]

The control-flow optimiser sometimes leaves unreachable blocks behind
containing junk code.  If these blocks make it into the native code
generator then they trigger a register allocator panic because they
refer to undefined LocalRegs, so we must eliminate any unreachable
blocks before passing the code onwards.


runUniqSM :: UniqSM a -> IO a
runUniqSM m = do
  us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'u'
  return (initUs_ us m)

dumpGraph :: DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> String -> CmmGraph -> IO ()
dumpGraph dflags flag name g = do
  when (gopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags) $ do_lint g
  dumpWith dflags flag name g
  do_lint g = case cmmLintGraph dflags g of
                 Just err -> do { fatalErrorMsg dflags err
                                ; ghcExit dflags 1
                 Nothing  -> return ()

dumpWith :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> String -> a -> IO ()
dumpWith dflags flag txt g = do
         -- ToDo: No easy way of say "dump all the cmm, *and* split
         -- them into files."  Also, -ddump-cmm doesn't play nicely
         -- with -ddump-to-file, since the headers get omitted.
   dumpIfSet_dyn dflags flag txt (ppr g)
   when (not (dopt flag dflags)) $
      dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm txt (ppr g)